Chapter 4

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With just a little bite, plenty of juice filled the mouth. The entrance was unexpectedly sweet.

Shu Jintian accidentally looked at the fruit in his hand. In addition to the particularly bright and attractive color, it seemed to be just ordinary fruit. I didn't expect it to have such a taste.

He was also hungry for a long time. Now he has delicious food and no usual cleanliness. He took out another fruit and rubbed it on his body.

The spirit snake secretly looked up and squinted her eyes, and rolled the female in her arms in a very good mood.

Shu Jintian froze for a moment, looking back at the serpent and was still asleep, and ate again.

With enough food and drink, Shu Jintian did not know when, under the threat of the serpent, he slept past chaotically. Until, awake by the pain in the abdomen.

In his dream, Shu Jintian was sore and sweaty, covering his abdomen tightly with one hand and rolling in the grass.

The spicy pain in Shu Jintian's belly caused him to constantly curl his body. His face has become pale, and his forehead is full of sweat particles, and the particles are rolling down along the smooth outline of the face.

Suddenly realized that the snake that had been restraining himself had disappeared.

Even in the pain, Shu Jintian couldn't help but feel excited.

The sky was already dark, and the cave was dark, except for the location of the hole, with a blue night light. The thin light scattered into the cave, casting a layer of almost invisible glare.

Shu Jintian wanted to go out, but now he couldn't even stand up. Can't help but be anxious and annoyed.

Vitality is in front of him, how can he give up.

Shu Jintian shrunk his stomach and used his hands and feet to crawl towards the hole. Finally, he was getting closer to the night light, and he was excited.

However, the hole is too high, but it is a barrier he can not cross. Even when he is normal, he may not be able to climb up, not to mention now.

Shu Jintian looked around, looking for large pieces of stone or something that could step on his feet.

But the inside of the cave was dark, casting a deep or dark shadow.

What exactly those shadows are, Shu Jintian didn't know, but the huge cave, asking him to explore everywhere, he felt even more powerless.

Deflated, Shu Jintian was soft on the ground, no longer able to lift a trace of strength, curled up tightly, and gritted his teeth so that he would not cry out in pain.

Because the snake saw her female value the white thing in the daytime, she followed the smell at night and looked for it.

On a high platform, he found the person he was looking for.

The owner of the quilt was with a Sirius beast, saw himself, and shivered to hide behind the orc. It was weaker than his female. It grows to be unexpectedly beautiful, and it looks as if it's weak.

After considering the next two females, the spirit snake beast decided to get the one in his nest, which looks better than this one. And it looks no worse than this one, and each has its own beauty.

After checking the situation here, the Snake Beast turned around neatly and swam back.

His female came from the Sirius tribe? Then he should pay attention to it later, so as not to let the female have the opportunity to contact any Sirius, he will not lose his female so carelessly.

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