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"I wish you a kinder sea."






The surgeons room was rather compact, but it managed to fit everything it needed. Gold, maps, some books, rum. And of course, the medicine it was meant for.

On the tiny bed in the corner of the room, Cora slept under the old blanket, her white shirt loose and her sword laying year the bed. Her soft snores filled the quiet silence.

The door was slammed open, making Cora jolt awake with a loud snort.

“Ye have a newbie to patch up.” Rosanna said somewhat smugly, enjoying the other woman's lost look as she tried to blink the sleep away.

They had all been working against the storm last night, barely gotten any sleep made them all tired to their bones. And Cora was no exception.

She muttered incoherent curses under her breath that Rosanna didn't even bother to listen as she left. Cora pushed herself up slowly, swinging her legs over the bed as she groaned into her hands.

She briefly wondered if they had gotten into fight or was the newbie scratched by the storm. Realising she had to get dressed before tending anyone, she started looking for her clothes, still half asleep herself.

She had barely tied her belt around the worn pants when the door was slammed open.

“what is it with ye lot 'nd slammin' the dam' door.” she muttered bitterly, sending glares at the dishevelled twins who looked like they wanted to be anywhere but there.

They tossed her patient in the chair and hightailed out of the surgeons room, Kee turned around, gave a mocking bow to Cora and gently started closing the door, only to slam it the last second.

“Idiots.” she cursed, turning towards the large man who was looking at her with a rather curious glint in his light eyes. She observed him with mild boldness, just like he looked at her.

“And what the Hell did ye do?” she asked with a tinge of bitterness to her tone. She wasn't happy for having been awoken.

“It was just a reminder. From the last ship. Just needs a few stitches and I will leave you alone.” his voice was low and had a somewhat calming effect. It was the sort of voice that was pleasant to listen, the sort of voice that draws in people like honey to bees.

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