Calypso could feel the wind blowing in her hair as she and Leo flew through the wind on a huge metal dragon.
She knew Leo loved to take her on dates, but this time he seemed extremely excited. He spent the entire week before planning (which honestly just seemed like he was winging it to Calypso, but she didn't dare say a word), so she knew it would have to be good.
At last, Calypso spotted a the local park ahead of them. The park was beautiful, really. A hiking trail, lakes, a gorgeous beach, and Calypso's favorite, a vast land of grass perfect for picnics. "Hey Leo?"
"Does this happen to be out date spot?"
Leo turned around and grinned at the sorceress. "You would be right, babe! Our local park. One of your favorite places here."
"Wait, how do you know that? Have I ever even mentioned this place before?"
Leo's face tinted pink. "Once-"
"Aww, you were actually listening to me!"
"Oh for gods sake give me a break!" Leo complaining, Calypso struggling to hold in her laugh. Finally, Festus began to lower the the ground.
After a few minutes, they were settled down in the grass. It was sunset, and everything looked gorgeous. Leo had set up a picnic full of both of their favorite foods and activities, and they planned on staying out there until curfew.
They sat on the picnic blanket eating, laughing, and enjoying each other's company.
After a while, they looked up at the stars. Calypso could name far more than Leo, but he didn't mind. He found it cute when she recognized a constellation and got excited.
"And that one," Calypso said poiting up at the sky "is Leo."
"I'm right here!"
"Not you! The constellation, see?"
Leo sat up and squinted at the group of stars. "So what, you memorized the constellation with the same name as me purposely or something?"
"Okay, okay!" Leo replied laughing. Calypso sighed and rested her head on Leo's shoulder.
"Hey Leo?"
"You are the most ambitious guy I've ever met."
"Ambitious? Isn't that bad?"
"You're thinking ahout arrogant, babe."
"Oh, well what do you mean by ambitious?" Calypso sighed and made a mental note to buy him a dictionary.
"Its just, you're super caring, and creative, and determined, and smart, and I don't know. All kinds of stuff. Just really..."
Calypso and Leo were looking at each other straight in the eyes.
"An amazing guy. The best I've met."
"What do you think I'm joking?" Calypso snorted.
"Nah, its just. You're really great too Calypso. You've brought me this sort of peace, y'know? I just think I've felt this way since- well- ever? I've met a lot of girls, but none have made me feel the same way you do."
By now, Calypso's eyes were brighter than the stars in the sky.
"And I know I'm a Cancer, so that means I fall fast but-"
Calypso cut him off with a kiss. They both seemed to know what would come next, but Calypso didn't want to be a last to say it.
Once they broke apart, the looked each other and the eyes and simultaneously agreed.
"I love you."
thanks sm for reading !! this is my first story so sorry if its bad 😭 im gonna make more headcannons soon !

my caleo oneshots & headcannons (& opinions)
Fanfictionsome of these (mostly the earliest ones) are so cringe LMAO i get better i promise some other characters may be included as well! *also im a fan, i don't own any of these characters rick riordan does lol