Yellows and Pinks

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The next day we all waited anxiously for Friday to alert us. We waited for the god to come to earth and try to destroy humanity. . . Yes I understand how crazy that sounds, but it's my life now. I also was dating an ex assassin with one metal arm and my best friend dresses like a bird, so I've gotten used to crazy. What I haven't gotten used to was the black haired god who constantly stared and started banter with me. It was getting old, not only for me but for Bucky too. When the alert didn't come I decided to take a nap. I flopped onto my huge comfortable bed and it seemed to swallow me. I look at the clock to check the time, it read 4:45 pm. As I nestled my head into my pillow I heard my door open behind me. I knew it was one of two people, I was praying it was my smiles. I lay there motionless as a strong arm wrapped around my waist, thankfully it was metal.
"Doll?" His voice was deep and raspy
"Mm?" I made a noise to let him know I was still awake
"I need you to get up"
"No" I turned into his chest as he held me tighter
"Yes. . . I have a surprise for you"
"Can it wait? I'm so comfortable"
He slightly laughed
"Come on" he said as he moved me around
"Fine." I finally gave in
I got up and freshened up. Bucky led me through the living room passing everyone. I glanced at Sams face and he looked at me slightly confused, I just returned a smile. Bucky put me in the car and started driving.
"For all I know you could be taking me somewhere to kill me" I said glancing at him
"We both know you'd kick my ass if I tried to kill you. . . Again" he smirked
"At least your learning Barnes"
"Plus, I can't live without you."
"So killing me wouldn't be the best plan" I smiled and he put his hand on my leg. I turned up the radio and we listened to music the rest of the way. It was a short drive but enjoyable. When we got out of the car he went into the trunk and grabbed a big basket.
"What are you doin Barnes?" I asked
"You'll see" he smiled
He led me to a grassy hill and laid down a blanket.
"A picnic? How romantic of you smiles." I wrapped my arms around him as I looked at the nice setting.
"I wanted to do something sweet before all the crazy hits."
"I love it!" I beamed
"It gets better"
We sat down and he brought out food. He brought all my favorites. We ate and laughed and ended up throwing food at each other. It was the best time I've had in a while. Talking to him was simple. Everything he said made me feel beautiful. I could have stayed there forever. As we finished eating he placed me between his leg and wrapped his arms around me, which made me feel safe.
"Wait for it" he said kissing the top of my head
As we sat there we watched the sun slowly go down, causing the sky to turn beautiful yellows and pinks. It was breathtaking.
I intertwined my fingers with his and he rubbed my hand with his thumbs.
"Doll?" He said calmly
"I love you"
My eyes grew wide and I turned to look at him
"You do?" I smiled
I put my hand on the side of his face
"I love you too"
I sweetly kissed him. He then kissed me all over my face.
"I love you . . . I love you. . . I love you" he spoke quietly in between each kiss. My stomach was full of butterflies and I was genuinely happy. It was the perfect way to end a crazy day.

____________________________________Wrote this when I was half asleep haha so I hope you enjoyed. Thanks for reading!❤️

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