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   Servant hums, walking into the main building of Hope's Peak Academy. It's utterly thrilling, being in the same place of the Killing School Life, filled with amazing amounts of both Hope and Despair. He had devotedly watched every broadcast and was immediately thrilled when Makoto Naegi, the Ultimate Hope, took down the Ultimate Despair, their leader, Junko Enoshima.

   His sworn enemy is finally dead, crushed under a heavy block. How thrilling. How despairing

   Servant considers himself a servant to creating despair and inspiring hope. In order to create even more hope, he would gladly spread despair and help however he could. That's his only purpose in the world now, the only thing that matters about him. Nothing else does, not his past, not his identity, not even his name. He calls himself Servant because that's all he is and ever will be now, really. 

   He can't resist letting out a giggle, clutching the handle of the bag of medical supplies even tighter. Now he would never forget her and soon she would always be a part of him. He would always have a piece of despair a part of him. This is his rebirth. Servant plans to salvage whatever he can and add it to himself by whatever means necessary. If he recalls correctly, a part of her left arm came out of the flattening mostly unharmed. Hopefully it would still be there.

   Oh how fun this would be! 

   He stalled as he passed by the Nurse's office. This is where he would perform the procedure. After all, what better place than here?

   Servant twists the doorknob, finding it to be unlocked. He strides in, setting the bag on the table, figuring he'd drop this off here first before retrieving what he came here for.

   But to his shock, someone is there already.

   On the floor fast asleep clutching tight to a rather-dull blade, is a brunet boy in a wrinkled Reserve-Course uniform.

   The frown on his face is immediate. He was under the impression that all of the Reserve-Course students died in that mass suicide. So what was this boy doing alive?

   Servant crouches down right in front of him, getting a close examination. Yes, he was definitely out like a light. He must be taking shelter here and had this weapon here for self-defense. Not that it would really do anything now; Servant could easily end him right here right now.

   And yet. . .he has several questions for this boy. And once the boy has hope that Servant is going to help him, he'll smite him and fill him with despair. 

   Servant idly glances around the room, eyes falling on an old, dirty rope. He didn't want this boy to wake up and get away before he could speak to him while he was down in the Trial Room, so it would have to do.

   He picks up the rope and drapes it around the boy several times before tying it in the back so he can't reach it. Somehow, call it luck or something, the boy doesn't wake up, he doesn't even stir. Such a deep sleeper, this one is. 

   Servant stands back up and lets out a sigh. He then decides he can't very well cut it off in front of the boy; his screams would probably wake the Reserve up. But then again it would be quite amusing to do it in front of him. . .

   Servant grabs the medical bag off of the bed and whistles as he departs from the Nurse's Office, shutting the door behind him. He heads down to the Trial Room, the place he considered the 'birth of the Ultimate Hope.' 

   And right there, exactly where it had been left, was Junko's mangled body, squished and destroyed beyond recognition. The original Ultimate Despair is truly dead. 



   From the wreckage, Servant pulls out her left arm with a sinister grin before kneeling on the floor away from the body, placing the arm on the ground in front of him. Finally, he would be one with the Ultimate Despair, his sworn enemy!

   First he gives the arm a thorough cleaning, getting all of the blood and dirt and such off of it. Next he takes a tight band and wraps it around his own left arm, cutting off the flow of red blood cells. This would make sure there wasn't too much blood-loss. He then puts a stick in his mouth so he wouldn't destroy his own tongue in the process. 

   Finally, he pulls the hacksaw out of the bag and steadies it over his arm. This is the most important part of all. 

   He takes a deep breath and presses down.


   Servant finishes the final stitch and cuts the thread. He wasn't the best at sewing but he had learned a thing or two from Tsumiki. 

   He examines the new part of him with a crazed smile and starts to laugh. He laughs for a full two minutes, gasping and wheezing. How wonderful it is!

   Still smiling and giggling, he takes out a glove and slides it over his new arm. Although the thought of showing it off excited him, he didn't want the boy to immediately notice it and freak out. No, he'll show it to him if the time is right.

   Servant then gathers up his things, kicking at his amputated arm with a heavy black boot before turning and departing from the trial room. He hums quietly, a tune from his childhood, that is, as he makes his way back up to the Nurse's Office. 

   He kicks open the door to find the brunet just beginning to stir. He moves to stretch his limbs but freezes, realizing that he physically cannot. His eyes fly open as he begins struggling against his bounds, desperate to free himself.

   Servant can't resist giggling at this before attempting to speak to the boy, saying "Hey. . .can you hear me? Are you okay. . .? You've been asleep for quite a while. . ."

   The brunet's eyes widen. "H-Huh? Who are you?!" He demands.

   Servant smiles. "That's really the first thing you ask in a situation such as this, hmm? Interesting. As for my name. . ." He takes a couple steps closer to the Reserve-Course survivor, "My name's not really that important. . .but you may call me Servant."

   He frowns. "S-Servant?" 

   Servant kneels in front of him. "Servant," He affirms, "As that is just my purpose-to serve as a stepping stone in the battle against Hope and Despair. As hope will always win in the end, I have gladly become Despair myself." 

   The boy stiffens. "Wait. . .you're not one of those. . .you're not part of the. . ." He trails off. 

   "Ultimate Despair?" Servant finishes for him, "Technically yes. Although I'm not as talented as my fellow classmates. But enough about me. . .what's your name?"

   ". . .Ultimate Despair." The boy repeats nervously.

   "Ultimate Despair, yes. Now, your name, please?"

   The boy stares at the ground. ". . .Hinata Hajime."

   Servant claps his hand and Junko's excitedly. "Oh, that's a pretty name! May I call you 'Hinata-kun?'" 

   Hinata bobs his head up and down and Servant smiles. "Thank you, Hinata-kun! Now if I may ask a question. . .you were from the Hope's Peak Reserve Department, yes? Then, how are you alive?"

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