_One day later_
-At night school-
~Laito's POV~
I see Bitch-chan walking towards me, maybe she'll talk to me. "Hey Laito can I talk to you?" I felt my eyes widen. "Hai." I say as I get up, she grabs my hand which I knew made my cheeks grow hot. Why is Bitch-chan being so nice to me today, she normally wants nothing to do with me. She pulled me into a closet, and started crying into my chest. "I feel like an awful person." She said while sobbing. My eyes widen, I felt a sudden pain my chest.... I don't like seeing her upset.
I've never felt this way about a girl before. "(Y/N)-chan? What's happened?" She looked up at me smiling. "You called me (Y/N), Why?" "I'm worried about you..." I said looking away. I suddenly felt her grab me from my neck and she pulled me into a kiss. My eyes widened but hers.. were closed.. This sent butterflies in my stomach... I've never felt this. It was like all of my problems were just gone. I leaned into the kiss and wrapped my arm around her waist and closed my eyes as well. We stood there for a while kissing and I have to say that if just this happens, it's enough. I.. I love (Y/N)-chan. My eyes widen as I hear the bell ring. "(Y/N)-chan, I sadly have to go back to class, see you later," I ran out of the closet, and I couldn't help but smile, I feel so different, but I like it.
~Subaru's POV~
-he's taking a shower after night school- We fell asleep after all of that happened... I have to say I .. love her. I just don't know how I'm going to tell her. -sighs- I just don't know why It's so hard to admit it to her. By the way now that i think of it... WHO WALKED HER HOME TONIGHT?! Wasn't it Laito's turn?! I quickly get out of the shower, and put my clothes on. I run to Laito's room and see him lying on his bed, reading.. I don't want to know. "Laito! Where is (Y/N)?" "Why should I know?" He said suprisingly confused. "You mean,.. You didn't walk her home?!" "No.. I thought it was Ayato's turn." "Shit, maybe he knows where she is then" I stormed off. Where the hell is she?
~Laito's POV~
Oh no! Was it my responsibility to walk (Y/N)-chan home tonight? I'm actually worried, I... I love (Y/N)-chan. I'm going to go ask the other brothers if they've seen her. As I run down the hall I go into Kanato-kun's room first. "Kanato kun! Have you seen (Y/N)-chan?" "No, not since school, why?" "Subaru and I can't find her." "It was your responsibility to walk her home! What are you telling me you left her by herself?! Neh! Is that what you're telling me?!"
Kanato began screaming at me and tears were falling down his face. "Wh--Why wouldn't you make sure she gets home safe? Why?!" Kanato was crying? Over (Y/N) .... She's changed us... I looked down to the ground. "This... this is your fault!!.... What if someone's taken her? What if she's hurt!! THIS IS YOUR FAULT!" Kanato threw Teddie on the ground. I couldn't believe what I just saw, I bent down to pick up Teddy as Kanato slapped me. "Don't touch Teddy, don't act like everything is okay! I love (Y/N)!! He screamed at me.. My heart broke.. do all of my brothers feel the same way as me? "It's your fault she's missing! What if I can't tell her how I feel?! I want her to know. Teddy has accepted it, and I was planning to tell her the next time I saw her, and now that isn't going to happen!!! Because of you!" Kanato fell to his knees. "Why did this happen?" He said crying into his sleeves. I just stood there, not knowing what to do... I've never seen Kanato or any of my brothers worried about a girl. But I actually feel the same as Kanato right now.
~Subaru's POV~
I ran towards Ayato's room, and I could feel tears coming on to my face, I'm so worried that something has happened to her. "Ayato!" I screamed as I ran into his room. I held my eyes shut for a couple seconds which felt like forever just begging for her to be in there. I opened my eyes and she wasn't in there and neither was he. I ran out and towards Reiji's room. I opened the door to see Shuu laying on the couch, Reiji at the counter and Ayato sitting in a chair, they were discussing something, but I interuppted as I ran into the room.
"Do any of you know where (Y/N) is?!" I screamed. Shuu stood up right after I said that. Ayato's eyes got bigger, "Why would we know that?" he asked. "Is she missing?"Reiji said. "H..hai." I said looking down at the ground. "Well did you go see if Laito had her?" Shuu said angriliy. "Hai, he didn't know where she was either.." I responded. Shuu suddenly punched a wall. I'm usaully the one that does that... but my eyes widened when he did that. I heard Shuu sniffle. Is he crying. "Well where the hell is she?!" He said screaming. "I.. I don't know." I felt a tear run down my face. "Dammit! I knew I should've been watching her! None of you know how much she means to me, and all of you are so careless that you can't make sure she gets home safe?!" Reiji screamed at us. I looked over at Ayato just to see him digging his head into his arms. He was definitley crying. "(Y/N)-chan" he whispered to himself. He stood up from his chair and ran out wiping his face from tears.
~Reiji's POV~
Dammit, we finally all have someone decent in our lives, and now she's gone.. and the thing that is going to hurt the most is.. what if she.. left on her own.. I.. I know I've said to myself many times that I won't love anything with imperfections, but every imperfection that (Y/N) has is what makes her..., perfect. I .. I love her.. We have to find her! I can't...., I can't lose her. I fought so hard to hold back my tears but I couldn't hold them in and I began to cry. Shuu looked at me and walked over to me. He.. hugged me. my eyes widen. "Shuu?" He was crying with his head on my shoulder. "We have to find her, I know that you love her Reiji, but I don't care I .. I love her too.. I think all of us do, thats why we have to find her." Shuu said studdering. "Shuu, what if she doesn't love us?" Just then he fell to his knees, "Then..... i don't know... how i would live." He said looking down. "What do we do?"Subaru said looking at us.
~Ayato's POV~
Where am I going? My legs wont stop moving. I don't know why I'm running or where I am trying to go, all I know is I want to be with (Y/N). I don't care if that means sharing her with my brothers. I know I'm the possessive one, but I love her and I can relate to how they're feeling right now. I want to find her, I want to know she's safe, I want her to be happy. I love her smile, her laugh, everything about her, I love... her. We have to find her... we have to!"

Diabolik lovers Fanfic x Reader
RandomHeyy so I doubt anyone will read this but I've been writing a Diabolik Fanfic on my computer. ((Um this story does have bow bow scenes so if you aren't into that don't read it)) I'm going to upload the first chapter on here and if you guys want mor...