Chapter 10: i need to do something to stop my feelings growing?

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Chapter 10-

[Warning: Dirty scene amongst this chapter]

"So you are getting your suit and going straight to Fernando's?" I asked as we pulled up outside of our house.

"No, I'm dropping you off and Ashley is coming over in fact he's on his way! My suit and everything are in the back of the car!" Juan smiled as I pushed the car door open just at the same time as Ashley, he had just arrived.

"See you tonight" I yawned slamming the door, Juan drove off straight away going quite fast as well. I had a night to myself well not to myself..with Ashley.

I welcomed Ashley inside of mine and Juan's house, he took his shoes off at the door and made his way into the sitting room to make himself comfy on the settee. I sat opposite Ashley and an idea popped into my head...having sex with Ashley could calm my feeling towards Juan down? It was just the thought of Ashley seeing me naked and then tomorrow we would just be friends as usual but he wouldn't be able to forget what happened or what I looked like. I pulled my body warmer off as I was starting to have hear flushes which left me in a long sleeved top and my jeggins. I looked at the clock on the wall the time was 7:00pm on the dot, I jumped into the seat next to Ashley as ran my fingers through the lines of his six pack. Ashley ran his fingers around the outline of my bra so we were almost turning each other on, it took a lot more than that to turn me on though.

"So this is what were going to do tonight is it now Ash?" I giggled pulling him on top of me.

"Nothing else to do is there?" Ashley grinned before our lips collided, tongues got involved as well and before we knew it our tongues were battling against each other. I gently lifted Ashley's top up above his head and threw it across the room. Ashley lifted my top up gently kissing down my chest as he did so, I let out a few moans and by this time I knew I wanted him.

"Save the rest for the bedroom" I panted as Ashley lifted me up onto his waist and carried me up into mine and Juan's bedroom, locking the door behind us. He ripped off my leggings leaving me in just my knickers and bra, I pulled down his pants with my feet his boxer shorts followed aswell. Ashley teased me kissing all the way down to the inside of my thigh and back up to my breasts.

"Ashley..just hurry up" I moaned stretching out trying to keep my moans in. He carefully unhooked my bra and threw it across the room somewhere before sliding off my knickers and throwing them somewhere as well. He kissed down my body and stopped near my entrance, he was going to..I hated it..he was going to use his fingers? You get the idea now?

I let his fingers do the magic that he wanted and finally it was the time after like an hour of teasing each other I definitely was in the mood. I wasn't one of those girls to go and and have sex every time actually in fact I never have sex with people that aren't my boyfriend but today I have broken that rule, I didn't have a boyfriend to get it off though and every girl has a high sex drive now and then. I lifted my legs up and wrapped them around Ashley's waist as he was knelt in front of me, he grinned at me with his eyes full of lust.

"Are you sure you want me to?" Ashley asked looking at my breasts making me feel slightly uncomfortable, I didn't in a way but I also did in a way? I didn't just go through the build up for nothing of course I did!

"Yes Ashley" I giggled. Ashley looked hot without a top on, most girls would love to see every part of his body but I wasn't bothered what his downstairs looked like. I was on my back looking up to the ceiling waiting for him to enter me..he was teasing me for sure.

Ashley pushed himself inside of me making me let out a slight moan as I was in a little bit of pain, I want used to this, I didn't have sex constantly you know.

"Are you alright?" Ashley asked leaning forwards to kiss me on the lips.

"Yeah just keep going okay" I panted as his lips met mine, you could call this friends with benefits couldn't you? I dug my nails into Ashley's back and whispered his name into his ear as he was slowly moving himself inside of me teasing me before he started properly.

"Oh god Lauryn" Ashley grinned at me as I was digging my nails into his back, right now I was loving Ashley like a boyfriend which was stupid of me..maybe friends with benefits would be better i suppose?

"Ashley..." I moaned as he picked up the pace, I watched his face while he made love to me and it reminded me of his faces that he pulls during the matches when he's concentrating on something.

I arched my back as he hit my spot, I moaned again pulling myself closer to him before starting to dig my nails into his back again. Ashley kissed my neck but I was scared incase he gave me a hickey..I didn't want Juan asking questions or the press for that matter. Ashley was moaning as well by now and to be honest he sounded hot when he was, Ashley pulled himself out for a few moments for a rest, he looked sweaty and he hated it. He lifted his arms up and pulled a face, I guess he needed some deodorant..I pointed to the dressing table where Juan kept his. Ashley had a quick spray and jumped back into bed with me, Ashley positioned himself again but I shook my head it was my turn.

"No, my turn now" I giggled rolling over so I was in control, it was awkward as Ashley was erect and with us being friends it felt weird if you get me? It's not very often you see one of your closest friends naked and erect is it? Unless I'm behind the times.

I positioned myself above Ashley and pushed myself down on him, you understand the movement so I'm not describing it. I placed my hands on his waist in front of me whilst looking up at the ceiling moaning away with Ashley, I looked down on Ashley for a minute and his face was like mine a few moments ago, his eyes were shut and his mouth was half open whilst moving a bit with me. Me and Ashley both reached our climax at around the same time which was weird, I collapsed onto the bed next to him out of breath after two rounds so Ashley was officially good in bed.

"I have a text from my sister, that's fucking once in a blue moon" I sighed sitting up to read the message.

To: Lauryn

From: Steph

You say you 'love' grandma and that yet you aren't even at the hospital with her when she needs you, some granddaughter you are...grandma's on her last legs and you don't care whatsoever. All you care about is Juan and sex obviously, disgrace you are.

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