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I had almost two full years left of school but I planned to finish it a full semester early. I wanted to get out of here as soon as possible. When I first enrolled, I picked accounting as my major. I figured it would be easy to get a job, and since we all had to pay taxes every year I'd always have work. But it wasn't my passion. My second semester I took art as a free elective and realized I wanted to do something I loved, so I changed my major. It put me back a few credits, but it was my chance to do something that made me happy.

The second I had my diploma in my hands, I would be sending out resumes to any European museum that would hire me. But this also meant I had to spend every free second studying to stay ahead of my plan. I piled on extra classes, and even while I was answering calls at Dr. Carmack's office, I had a textbook out.

Two days after my date with Jordan, I sat in the library going over my biology notes when Sadie pulled out the chair next to me. Unlike me, she majored in accounting and would take the full four years to finish. She also had the advantage of taking summer sessions, which I couldn't afford.

"What are you doing tomorrow night?" She placed her bottle of water on the wooden table and pulled out a Snickers bar. "And don't say homework. We've been in school for three days. There is no way you have homework."

"I'm studying."

"What are you studying? You haven't even been to all of your classes." She took a bite of her candy before I snatched it out of her hand and took my own bite of it.

"You know I do this every year. I study, do my class work ahead of schedule, and I don't do anything on Saturday nights but study."

I sat back on the chair as she pulled another bar from her purse. Delaney was obsessed with chocolate. "Nata—"

"What do you need?" I couldn't help but smile.

"Come with me to the first game of the season?" She pressed both of her hands under her chin. "Please?"
She pouted. "Pretty please?"

"Why do you want me to go with you?" Sadie lived for college football. She'd been going with her father and older brothers since she was a kid, and she never asked me to go. Football wasn't my thing. Usually her requests were limited to term papers she needed me to do for her, or notes from a class I took before her.

Sadie shrugged. "I asked Moose to meet me there."

"Moose?" I giggled and tossed the empty wrapper at her. "I'm sorry, Sadie, but when have you ever needed me to be your wing girl?" Sadie was notorious for getting any guy she wanted. She was brains and beauty. The complete package.

"This one is different." Her eyebrows bunched together. "I've known Moose since high school. He's a few years older and he was in community college but recently transferred here. I bumped into him at the bookstore and we got to talking about my brothers since he knew them. And . . ." She gnawed on her lower lip. "I asked him to go to the first game."

"Fine." I wanted to meet the guy who had Sadie all flustered.

She pushed her chair back. "You're the best!" She leaned in and hugged me. "I owe you so big for this." She grabbed her water and skipped out of the library.


Saturday night I was dressed and ready for my first football game. I slid my feet into my Chuck Taylors, tossed my hair into a high, messy bun, and then followed her out of our dorm room.

Sadie picked at her cuticles as we passed the ticket booth and headed toward the concession stand. I looked over at her and smiled.

"This is new."

Always You/ A Jordan Knight FanFic (Mature Content 18+)✔️Where stories live. Discover now