"I came here for college."

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Until I saw my ex. He is a bad person and so is his family.

"Guys I think we should go. I don't think its safe here." No one questioned me but we were to slow.

"Well well well. What do we have here. Tryna run from me princess." He said with a wide smirk.

"What are you doing here Anthony." I said obviously annoyed.

" oou calm down babe." Anthony said while walking up to Robert.

"Whos this pretty boy?" He said touching his chin but I moved Robert behind me.

"Don't bring him into this ant I know your going to try and act all big and bad know but I know something they don't." I said sternly. He didn't like that so he put a  gun to my head Robert tried to do something but I held him back behind me.

"Go ahead pussy shoot." I said with a smirk.

"You still in love with me. I know you wont do it." I told him softly then knocked the gun out his hand and took mines out. I put my gun in the direction of him.

"You know damn well that I will pull this fucking trigger Anthony." I told him then him and his gang ran.

"Who was that?" Naomi asked me.

"That was Anthony my ex. But he's very dangerous and he is in a very dangerous gang so I want all of you to watch out for him now that he knows you all. Especially you Rob and pop. Rob because well you know what just happened and pops I care about you to much please always have guards around. Girls just stay away and find a place to hid or just leave the area immediately." Everyone nodded and left to go back home.

The day went by as normal and the next morning Robert came to my room and woke me up.

"Wake up." He said whisper yelling and laying on top of me.

"You just love laying on me don't you." I giggled.

"Wake up we have school today."

"Mmm okayy." I said softly and got up to get dressed.

"So is this a private school or something." I asked Robert

"Yes it is. Pops wants to live a normal life. So we are going to this one school called EL Haynes then the other half of the year at Georgetown Day School." ( don't come tryna kill me 🤚🏻!)

"Their high schools?"

"Yes they are. And I know your still in middle school but you'll have to act 14 and skip 8th grade." He told me.

"Okay." I said checking my phone to see Mattia calling me.

"Hello?" I asked

"Nothing just come downstairs." He said and hung up. Weird but I just ran downstairs leaving Robert confused but I heard him behind me.

I got downstairs and jumped on my brother that I haven't seen since I came back the second time.

"What are you doing here!" I asked him still on him with my legs around him and my arms around his neck.

"I came here for college."


"Woah Y/N don't asked so surprised." He laughed and I did too but then heard someone clear their throat behind us.

I got off and brung Robert closer to Mattia.

"Rob this is my brother Mattia!"

"Sup call me hunter. Its just your sister that doesn't get it and calles me Robert." They both laughed.

"Hey its cute." I said trying to defend myself.

"What college are you going to??" Robert asked.

"Gonzaga College High School." Mattia replied.

"Omg really. I would love to go there but its an all boys school." I said

I gasped loudly. " your gonna turn gay. Theres no girls there!! YOUR GONNA BE GAYY!"

"No no n/n im not gonna be gay! Calm downn."

"So that thing with kairi is fake?" I joked.

"Whats fake with kairi?"

"OMGG HII GUYS." I said as I saw kairi and alejando coming from the kitchen with many snackes.

"Oh hey Y/N."
"Hey Y/N." They both said with their mouths full with food.

"Okay guys we have to go to school so I'll see you all later." I said and we headed to the car. Yes we went in a car because well of course no one can know about us. Pop says it can be dangerous. We got to EL Haynes and got our schedules and we got half of our classes together. We went through the day like normal no one noticed me and it was finally lunch time. I was walking in the cafeteria with Robert when I hear my name being called behind me but right when I turned around I felt a strong pain In my chest.

I have been shot.
— — —
I guess ima leave the story here. Sorry it was late i had school and was not inspired. I have no ideas. If you give an idea I will try to add it to my story some how.

842 words.

The mission ~~ Robert Hunter BidenWhere stories live. Discover now