Chapter 2 - Arrival at Stark Towers

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Happy pulled up outside the tall tower and graciously opened Y/N's door. "This is where we part ma'am. If you need a ride anywhere, let me know. Good luck with your internship, you'll make a great addition to the team" he winked.

Y/N looked up at the tower and gulped and slowly walked into the reception area. The inside reminded her of a posh London Hotel that you see in the movies. The walls were glass , the floor white , people spread everywhere like ants and an atmosphere that was like organised chaos.
"Hello, my name is Y/N. I'm here for the internship programme" she said to the beautifully immaculate receptionist who could definitely tell she had hardly slept judging by the tired eyes and messy hair bun.
"Hello Y/N, Mr.Stark is expecting you. Let me call Ms.Potts to come and meet you" with that the receptionist called Ms.Potts who appeared out of nowhere.

"Y/N it's lovely to meet you. Follow me and I will show you to your room. You must be tired. Don't worry today isn't a work day. You can settle in today and the formalities will start tomorrow!" Pepper beamed as she saw Y/N. She was stunning and all Y/N could think about was how awful she looked. To be fair she had just endured a long flight and little sleep so she would hope they would understand !

"Thank you Ms.Potts , it's great to meet you too"
"Please, call me Pepper! None of that ms, mrs or mr business. Makes me feel old or more important! How was the flight ?" Pepper beamed.
"Long! Although there was a nice man who made the journey a little more pleasant. It made the time go by much quicker. It was nice" With that, the elevator dinged and opened out onto what one can only describe as a mansion.
The elevator doors opened onto a huge living room with floor to ceiling windows looking out over the New York skyline. It was decked with a huge bar and plush leather sofas in front of a big tv and fire.
"This is the living quarters where you are free to spend time in. It can get a little busy here and noisy when the boys come back but once they've had food they'll quieten down!" Pepper laughed.
'Wow', y/n thought to herself. 'I could get used to this' she thought.

Pepper led Y/N down a long corridor and stopped in front of a big brown door. "And this is your room. Please feel free to decorate it how you like , this is your home now too and we want you to feel welcome. Here's Tony's card, don't be scared to splurge, he does!" Pepper handed her a platinum card with Tony Stark written on it and couldn't believe what she had just said.
"Oh wow thank you, I'm not too fussy about material things I like the simple life" y/n didn't want to make too much noise on her first day. Nor make them think she was taking advantage.

She pushed the brown door open which led into a beautiful bright double bedroom with a large en-suite and balcony looking over a stunning park. "I'll leave you to get settled. We're having a take out in an hour so please feel free to come and join us. It would be great to introduce you to the team" Pepper smiled and backed out of the room and closed the door.

*y/n POV*

Introduced me to the team? I'm hoping she means the rest of the interns. I don't think I have the mental strength to meet The Avengers. I didn't think I would ever meet them let alone meet them on my first bloody day!

Breathe Y/N breathe ... in.... out.

I can't believe this is my room it's bigger than mine and Alice's apartment in london !

Crap, Alice. I grabbed my phone and sent a quick text to let her know I had arrived safely. She soon replied with "don't forget to say hi to Tony for me!".  I rolled my eyes and tucked it back into my hoodie and started to unpack.

I definitely need to freshen up if I'm meeting others. I jumped into the large walk in shower and washed away the plane smell and tiredness. The tiredness was still there a little but it certainly helped. I chucked on some fresh clothes and made sure my hair looked less bird nest-like.

I'll be fine. Just breathe.

*normal POV*

Y/N opened her door and slowly made her way back down the long corridor to the elevator. Listening to the radio coming over the speakers she kept willing herself to stay calm and of course, breathe.

Ding. The doors opened back out into the large living quarters where the room was echoing with the voices of the team.

The Avengers were assembled.

"Hey Y/N! Come join us! The foods just arrived, grab some before these beasts do!" Pepper rolled her eyes at tilted her head towards 4 muscley men.
One tall with a swimmers body frame and slicked back blonde hair. Steve. A dark haired shorter man with a leather jacket. Clint. Another tall blonde who was loud, with locks like a hippy. Thor. And a shorter older man with brown hair and grey highlights. Bruce.
They were gathered around several pizza boxes fighting over the different slices. It was like feeding time at the zoo.

Y/N walked over to one of the boxes and grabbed a slice of pepperoni pizza. "So new girl, hows it going? Excited to finally be here? It's been a long time coming!" Clint said,whilst Steve jabbed his elbow in his stomach.
" what he means is , it's been a long few weeks ! We are glad to have you here" Steve interrupted.
"Thank you, it's nice to meet you, I have to say I didn't expect to meet you all so soon !" Y/N said whilst settling in on the plush leather sofas.

Sat opposite her was Natasha Romanoff. Her bright red hair and outfit intrigue Y/N but equally left her feeling slightly intimidated and she knew that she didn't want to get on her bad side.
"Ignore these bafoons, I'm Nat , I'll be helping you with your training this week" she smiled.
"Training? Okay, that's cool. Will the other interns be joining us?" Y/N looked around the room realising that there didn't seemed to be anyone else here yet. Maybe they hadn't arrive: yet, she wondered.
"Oh ,uhm, I'm not sure. Pepper where's Tony ?" Nat changed the subject quickly making Y/N more nervous.
"One has arrived and you better not have eaten all the pineapple pizza!" Tony entered the room with such grace and a presence that made Y/N feel even more nervous and the penny finally dropped that this is the main guy she's working for. The big cheese , the star of the show. Her boss.
"Don't worry stark you're the only one that eats that shit" snapped Clint.
"Language!" Shouted Steve
"So lady Y/N have you settled into your new room? You'll have a new neighbour tomorrow his name is Loki, my brother" Thor beamed at Y/N.
"Yeah and you tell reindeer games to behave or he's going down stairs in the cell. I'm not having him scare our newbie in her first week. That's my job." Tony winked at Y/N. "So, you're probably feeling a little bit confused, am I right? The whole internship programme, then coming into a room full of... well, full of us. Sorry it's fast paced. I don't do the slow introductions" Tony looked towards Y/N with a sympathetic look.
"Uhm... well, I wasn't too sure what to expect but yes I guess you could say that it's a little overwhelming. A part of me feels like this isn't the extended learning programme I thought it would be" y/N tried to sound confident but her insides felt like she was riding a rollercoaster.
"Tony I think you should show Y/N around the labs and training rooms." Pepper looked at Tony with pleading eyes knowing that this subject should be a little less public. Poor Y/N looked terrified.
"Yes , come with me kid, I'll show you around" Y/N shuffled alongside Tony out of the living quarters and away from the team.

"Poor kid has know idea what is about to hit her..." Steve sighed.

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