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~katelynn aka LayLay~Instagram:1

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~katelynn aka LayLay~

~Jaylon aka jay~Instagram:jaylon

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~Jaylon aka jay~

~kyrie aka ky~Instagram:its_kySnap:smd

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~kyrie aka ky~

Kobe:laylay get up jit

Laylay:leave me alone

Kobe:nigga we got school get yo ass up

Laylay:mcht fineeee

~Kobe went downstairs and laylay went in jay room to wake him up~

Laylay:jay...............JAYLON HALL MORRIS


laylay:wake up😁

Jaylon:fuck outta hea

Laylay:when mom n dad get back from they business trip Ima snitch on you just like that's colorful dude


Laylay:yeah him

Jay:😂omg bro I'm getting up

~he basically threw laylay out his room and got ready so and laylay did too~

~skip to when they got in school~

Kobe:don't embarrass me

Jay&laylay:nahhh dont you embarrass US

Kobe:whatever let's go

~they walked in the school and all eyes were on them~

Laylay:damn y'all act like y'all never seen three attractive siblings before

Kyrie:calm down jit😂

Jaylon:bye ky


~ky walked to class~

Jaylon:look sis


~he started twerking~

Laylay:you not even moving nothing all I see is back going up and  down

Jaylon:hating on me

Laylay:mhm whatever

???:wassuo ma


???:you don't talk or sum?

Laylay:I can't talk to you

???:and why

Jaylon:because her brother right here you don't see me?

???:tbh no but pop off bro

Jaylon:I'll beat yo ass

???:from what I heard you one of them softies

Jaylon:Nigga I'll softie that face of your bitch

Laylay:jay it's the first day let's go

???:watch ya back bro

Jaylon:no you watch yo back

~laylay just kept on pushing jay back to class~


Jaylon:you lucky my sista right here infront of me I'll rock yo shit but ion wanna hit her

Laylay:damn you act like you the big brother I'm older

Jaylon:okay and

???:yeah listen to yo bitch ass sister

~laylay just let jaylon go and Jaylon ran to the dude and punched him and kept on punching him until somebody came to get him off and it was kyrie~

Kyrie :yo chill it's yo first day

Jaylon:he called laylay a bitch

Kyrie :say less

~kyrie jumped in and started beating the dude
Up with Jaylon then guards finally came and took them off but it took five Guards to get Kyrie and Jaylon off ~

A group of students:DAYUMMMMM

???:night git FUCKEDDDDD


*the guards took Jaylon and kyrie to the office~

Principal:why were y'all fighting

Kyrie:ou you fine ash

Principal:that's not appropriate mr.morris

Kyrie:my bad miss

Principal:it's principal jones

Jaylon:can we go to class jit

Principal:principal jones

Jaylon:🙄"PrInCiPaL JoNeS" can we Go To ClAss

Principal:gone  head I don't care anymore

Kyrie:bye sexy

~kyrie and Jaylon left out class and the boy was right there so the bucked at him~


~then they went to they classes~

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