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I RAN FAST TO KATHLEEN. She had sat up while she slowly removed the drill in his foot; her shoe was stained with blood.

“Are you okay, Kath?” I asked her, helping her to stand. But she couldn’t do it still. “We’ll take you to the hospital. The clinic can’t cure this.”

Just then, Trevor, Justin and the man with carpentry clothes came.

“Are you alright, honey?” the man said.

“Kath, what happened?” Trevor asked, panic building in his voice.

“I’m so sorry, Kathleen.” Justin was not in his self. I could see the bothered look in his expression, and the look of sorry in his face distort as Kathleen looked at him in the eyes. “I’m so sorry, Kath.”

“Yeah, it’s okay,” Kathleen grunted to him.

Now tears began to stream down her face.

“This will just hurt a little bit,” the man reminded Kathleen, his hands on the heels of her shoe. Kathleen nodded while the man untied the lace of her shoe.

And that was when people circled in.

“Sir,” a guy spoke from the crowd of students, “you should take her to the hospital. If you remove that, it might infections or worst. We’ll call an ambulance.”

“Right,” he breathed, and Kathleen screamed in agony as the blood from her foot began to flow on the ground steadily.

Once Kathleen was delivered to the Hospital, rumors began to explode around the school. I heard a girl told the whole story to her friend. She never knew what had exactly happened into my friend. She only told her friend what she knew, I thought. When Jared and I passed through the crowd at lunch, all of the people were murmuring about the accident. Even teachers had known about it too.

The campus talked about it all the time.

“Is Kathleen alright?” Camille asked tensely as we reached the table. “I’m worried.”

“Everybody here is worried about her,” Trevor added.

“What happened to her, anyway?” Josephine asked Trevor. “You were there, right?”

Trevor shook his head. “I was there but I did not see what had happened exactly. Maybe ask Justin instead.”

Before I could notice, everyone started to find him. “Where is he?” “Have you seen him?” “No I didn’t” “Is he involved in this?”

“Actually,” Trevor murmured, “he was, I think.” Jared shot a quick glance at him, giving him a sharp look. “He was the one who dropped the drill. He was on the ladder that time, and he was making holes on the wall.”

“Why?” Josephine asked, her forehead creased.

“He asked the carpenter to try the thing. And then it falls. I did not know what happen.” Trevor shrugged and went quiet. However, Jared spoke beside me and asked Trevor something.

“Are you accusing my brother?” Jared said through clenched teeth.

“I did not say, Jared. No one’s accusing your brother.”

Jared just nodded, breaking the contact between Trevor now. He sighed loudly, and he smiled at me with a different smile. I saw no meaning on his lips. They weren’t the same smile I was seeing every time. There were no feelings in it. It something I couldn’t comprehend.


I was on my bed when I figured that I already had premonitions with my friends. First was Allison. Fredrick was next. Camille, Kurt, Kyle and Josephine were third. Trevor, Justin and Kathleen were the fourth. It was for a moment when I remembered that there was still a person I hadn’t had still. It was Jared.

Rachel Stanton and The Darkest NightWhere stories live. Discover now