~Chapter 24~ Yess B

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Brittney POV

"Bri get up." Brian shook me. I smelled the Cologne on him so I knew he took his shower.

" why? "

" bruhh we gotta get you some clothes for school." I said

" you go my uniform in my closet ." I gave him the key and my address and sent him on his way. I was sleep again before he left the house.

I woke up and he was still gone so I went and took a shower.

"I Neva fucked Wayne I Neva fuck Drake all my life man fucks sakes if I did I minaj with em and let em eat my ass like a cup cake."

" I ain't eating ya ass." I heard Brian say on the other side of the shower curtain.

" ain't nobody ask you to ass wipe."

" who the fuck you talking to bring you keep playing imma have to show you who boss." he said pulling the curtain back and stepping in backing me into the wall.

"show me then" I sassed. he didn't have a shirt and he picked me up.

" Brian put me down I'm naked. "

" you trust me?" he asked

" Brian i-

"do you trust me." he asked again

" yea but if-"

" that's all I need to know" he said kissing me. He put me on his shoulders and dove in .

" Yess B"

Julia POV


"Me to baby." he groaned. He disposed the condom and picked me up being that I couldn't move. After running me a bath he put in it and left I'm guessing to the other bathroom.

"hello" I asked the phone for Kali.

"where you at Mia pregnant ass over here crying talking bout she miss you and y'all never talk no more."

" I'm with bri teller ill be over her house in about 40 minutes. " I lied.

" she said she coming by your house in about a hour." he said. I heard her whine okay in the background."

" Tell her to calm down and give her a pickle and not a hot or sour one." I said knowing she'll calm down faster with a pickle. its like her favorite food is pickles she 1 month and 2 weeks pregnant and she still little.

"Ight. "

" alright ill talk to you later love you."

" luh you too." he said before I hung up.

I sat for about 28 minutes before getting out and getting dressed.

" Javon I gotta go mia crying and stuff over me. " I said gathering my stuff.

"okay but when you get there ice yoself Cuzz you limping. "

" its yo damn fault stroking like you trying to break me."

" aye you said rough so I did."

" boy what ever I gotta go"

" Ight" he said while I was walking out. I got in my car and called bri. She answered on the fifth ring.

"hello" she said faintly

" hey can you do me a favorite. "

" mmhmm" she moaned. I ignored it freak ass probably got some before school to that's whhy she was cheesing all hard.

" if Kali call tell him I was with you."


"nasty ass Betta stop answering the phone while you fucking."


" Bri I'm still on the phone."

" he giving. me head"

" and got you moaning like that. man whatever just do me that favor."

" alright." she hung up and I pulled up at mia house.

"juliaaa" mia yelled running to me." we went to the kitchen joined by shakeya and I told them about how Javon jus hit.

" you need to stop fucking with his heart. that boy love you to death and he would do anything for you." Mia said

" I love him to but he the one that be pushing me away and I know he be fucking with  otha females Cuzz he be gone for a half a day barely calling to check on me and when he come home all he wanna to is sleep."

"he do have to work and I'm not supposed to tell you this but he been putting together a birthday bash for a while now and that's the reason he be gone all day. " shakeya said." So you need to end that lil thing with Javon quick"

"Yess  b."

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