Alois Ending

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 (Don't hate the chapter this is an au that i thought of so it is not real, So in this chapter Alois will be a demon and you think Ciel is missing when he is turned into a demon as well but doesn't want to let you know so you don't know Alois is a demon until later on)

I was sitting in the valley of Flower's looking up at the sky. I smiled as I saw Raven running around happily before disappearing somewhere. I sighed before looking at my contract mark that sealed me to Ciel and Alois. I sighed before looking around. Ciel haven't call for me in 3 years and it was worrying me. But then Alois called for me and i went to him and asked "Yes young prince?" Alois went and said "Where were you?" I went and said "I was in the valley near here young prince. I will not stray to far after all i do have a contract to you." Alois went and said "If the contract was to end what will you do?" I went and said "I would go back to my world since i since i don't eat souls." Alois went and said "What would you do if i was a demon?" I went and said "Then i would stay and serve you as long as you want." Alois smiled before saying "Y/N i have been a demon for 3 weeks now i thought you would figure this out." I looked at him surprised before saying "Forgive me young prince but i am half demon not full demon so i couldn't figure that out." Alois smiled before patting my head and i looked up at him. I smiled before standing up about to leave. Alois went and said "Wait Y/N i have a question for you so i want you to stay." I tilted my head. Alois normally asked questions to Claude that was still around the Manor somewhere. I went and said "What's your questions prince?" Alois smiled and said "Well since I'm a demon now and today is partnering day will you to be my partner, Also call me Alois." I looked at him surprised before saying "Yes i will be your partner Alois." I smiled before kissing him happily. After 4 weeks i realized that Alois has became more and more stressed and busy. He was spending less time with me but yet i stayed at the Manor not leaving. I saw him walk into the room i was in and i got up and hugged him and said "Hi love." Alois went and said "Please don't touch me I'm busy." I backed away from him and said "Ok then." I then went back to sitting down on the chair i was sitting in before. I was now thinking he didn't like me anymore. I looked at my mark that still held me to him and something in my head told me to remove it. I sighed before knowing i wasn't alone in the room. I went and said "What do you want Claude. Aren't you supposed to help Alois with his work?" Claude went and said "Yes but he asked me to watch you for today." I sighed before getting up and walking away before knowing Claude was following me i reached the front door's and i sighed as i opened the door and walked out into the Garden where the triplets and Hannah were talking. I went over to them and i went and said "Hello Timber, Thompson, Canterbury and Hannah." They all waved in return. I smiled before asking "What are you guys up to?" Hannah went and said "Well nothing really we all completed our work so we are just hanging out around here." I sighed before saying "Well hope you have fun." I then walked more into the garden and i found the maze and i shook my head before walking away. I ended up bumping into someone and i saw Alois and i shrunk back saying "I'm so sorry Alois let me help you up." I reached my hand down to him but he slapped it away and stood up on his own. Alois went and said "You just ruined my outfit." He then slapped me and i whimpered as i backed away. Alois went and said "I order you to go into the maze and get out of it before it is time for dinner." I nodded my head. I went into the Maze after a hour i stopped since i was to in pain to move anymore i had gotten so many things wrong so i was sitting there bleeding from all of the Wounds i got and from the beartrap. All because I was half demon didn't mean that i couldn't die or feel pain. But i was feeling a lot of pain and it takes a lot to kill me and if i stayed here for to long i would die. I started to hear Alois was calling my name but i could hardly move or stand to get to him. After a while i saw Claude standing there before it went black. When i woke up i sat up with a little pain and i looked to my side to see Alois asleep. It looked like he was crying. I shifted and said "Ow." I winced since it hurt to move. I saw Alois's eyes open when i said ow. He pushed me back down before saying "Don't move it'll make your wounds worse." I sighed before saying " Why do you care now you were the cause of this." Alois went and said "It was cause i had a lot more work then normal that and i was scared to ask you if you wanted to have a family." I looked at him surprised. I went and said "Well you could have just asked me and i would have said yes even though this would change our life. But i'm happy with knowing that you still love me." I kissed him. After 5 weeks i was fully healed and i was moving around normally but i had a slight limp in my walk since the fact that the Beartrap did mess up my leg but the limp was hardly seen unless someone watched me very closely. I went to Alois's study since he wanted me in there. I knocked on the door hearing a faint come in i opened the door seeing Alois. I smiled before going up to him. I looked at the paperwork he was doing. I sighed before saying "I see your working on some paperwork what for?" Alois went and said "Well it's for a murder i am working on this is a paper that will allow me to look closer at the place." I looked at the envelope that said "Dear my spider you will be working on this case with my Guard dog all of the info and stuff are in this letter from the Queen." I looked at Alois before sighing i didn't like it when he had to work on cases cause then he would have to leave. I never liked him leaving but i never told him this. I kissed his cheek before leaving the room and for the next couple of Hours i was messing around with the triplets smiling and laughing happily. Next thing i know Alois called for me and i went to his side curious forgetting about the flower crown that was on my head. I went and said "Yes Alois?" Alois went and said "I just wanted to say i am leaving tomorrow and won't be back for awhile." I nodded my head before sighing. Alois went and said "Remember when you wanted to have a family might as well make one today so then you'll be closer to having them when i come back." I smiled before hugging him. Once night came it was normal but once it came up to a point me and Alois had fun all night. I had passed out after when i woke up i saw he was gone. I sighed before smelling his scent lingering in my room i smiled before knowing he didn't leave a long time ago. I got up and got dressed in my normal clothing. The whole time Alois was gone i knew that my was pregnant but since i was a demon i didn't throw up like normal people the only thing that changed is my urge to eat that's it. When Alois came back he found me on kneeling on the floor before standing up with a spider on my hand. I looked at him before smiling. I was wearing a dress that Hannah got me since my normal clothing would look weird now that i was showing more. I went over to him smiling as i hugged him carefully. Alois smiled before saying "How are you doing love?" I smiled before saying "I'm doing fine." Claude went and said "So you have a spider friend?" I went and said "I know how this manor likes their Spider's i spent the whole time doing what i normally did and i also moved the Spider to safer places. This one Spider just keeps following me so i became friends with him." I smiled happily i quickly placed the spider one it's web before returning back to Alois and Claude. Alois went and said "How much longer until we have little ones running around?" I smiled and said "They will come either in 2 or 3 days." Alois nodded his head before saying "I can't wait." I went and said "Or there might be a chance they will come tomorrow." I rested my hand on my Stomach as i watch Alois looking happy. I smiled before saying "Anyway I'm glad you are back." Alois smiled and said "Me to. But i am still working on the case i just came back to spend some more time with you before taking off again." I nodded my head before seeing Alois having Pictures and i tilted my head before saying "Your gonna ask me a question aren't you?" Alois sighed before saying "Does this mark mean anything to you?" He held up a mark that was a circle with a moon and two stars. (The picture is below this)

I started to think before saying "Oh i know who you are looking for

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I started to think before saying "Oh i know who you are looking for." Alois tilted his head as he asked "Who?" I went and said "Your looking for someone named Skylar Nary." Alois looked at Claude and said "Look for someone named Skylar Nary." I sighed before saying "Don't go do that Claude. i know where she is." Alois tilted his head. I sighed knowing he was wondering how. I went and said "Lets just say i helped her with a favor before." Alois nodded his head understanding. I went and said "All of the murders have been happening near the forest right?" Alois went and said "Yea." I smiled before saying "The House that is in the middle of the forest is where she lives." Alois nodded his head before telling Claude to go get Skylar and to bring her to the Phantomhive's so then they can do whatever with her. I smiled before seeing that it was turning dark outside. I yawned before heading up the Stairs with Alois as i went to our room and i layed down after quickly changing into a nightgown and i covered myself with the blanket. The next day came and it was normal somewhat. I stayed by Alois side in his study since he didn't want me to leave his side. I was helping him with some of his work. I sighed before feeling pain and i winced. Alois looked at me scared as he asked "What's happening Y/N are you ok!?" I went and said "I think they are coming." Alois picked me up and brought me somewhere but i couldn't tell where cause it was a room that i never saw before. I figured that Alois had this room Prepared just in case for this happening because of everything in the room. I was panting until i saw Hannah enter the room with Alois and Claude and i didn't mind since i was more focused on the pain then anything else. Alois went to my side and he started to comfort me. I could tell he was scared and that he knew that i was in pain cause of him. I calmed down and after 3 hours Claude handed me a baby girl and i smiled as Claude said "Congratulations it's a girl." i smiled as i took her into my arms and i smiled. Alois kissed my cheek as he said "You did it." I smiled happily as i said "No Alois you helped and now we have a family." We both smiled as we both looked at our Daughter smiling. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time skip to 5 years~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I was calling everyone for a picture. I smiled as Alois came down with the triplet who were carrying my set of triplets and i had the twins next to me and Alois was holding our daughter. I smiled as everyone entered the room we all got into our places and took the picture and i smiled as i knew that now we have a picture with me, Alois, Our kids and the whole Trancy household. I smiled happily as i framed the picture and hanged it up. After that our lives were perfect from then on more into life.

Black Butler x Half demon half human reader (Modern day au)Where stories live. Discover now