Chapter 1 - Slave Child

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Author's Note: This story was inspired when we wondered what would have happened had someone else been in Anakin's place. How would they have reacted to their circumstances? What kind of person would they have become? This story answers those questions with Ahsoka. :P

~ Amina Gila

WARNING: This chapter contains references to inappropriate behavior towards a female Togruta, you can probably guess why... Nothing graphic though!

Padme Naberrie Amidala is far from comfortable on this dustball of a planet which no doubt contains a nest of the galaxy's lowest criminals. Really, she only came so she could see personally how the Jedi is planning to conduct himself. It's not that she doesn't trust him -- she does -- but she's wary, especially with her people and planet at stake.

She follows Qui-Gon Jinn into a shop, and though it appears to be a junk shop, it's probably the best place to start. A blue Toydarian hovers near the doorway, small wings flapping incessantly.

"What do you want?" he demands.

"I need parts for a J-type 327 Nubian," Qui-Gon answers politely.

"Ah yes yes," the Toydarian murmurs, "Nubian. We have lots of that. What kinda junk?" He flies towards the back of the shop, yelling something in Huttese.

"My droid here has a readout of what I need," the Jedi replies. Artoo rolls forward, but Padme's gaze is pulled from the droid when she sees movement. A young Togruta scurries into the shop from the junkyard out back. Padme would estimate her to be around nine or ten, maybe. Her clothes would more accurately be rags which are becoming increasingly worn, and her normally orange skin is covered with dirt and grime from whatever she'd been doing.

Watto waves a hand in the air, growling something Padme can't understand. She doesn't miss the young girl's flinch, though. After a short conversation, the Toydarian turns away from the Togruta back to them.

"Soooo, let me take you out back. Ni you'll find what you need." He flies over to the backdoor of the shop, disappearing around the corner.

"Don't touch anything," Qui-Gon warns Jar Jar who's already poking around on one of the shelves, before he follows Watto out the backdoor.

Padme glances around, not seeing much that she recognizes, though there seems to be mostly droids. The Togruta climbs onto a counter, picking up a small object which she starts cleaning with a rag that's in no better condition than her clothes.

The girl studies her silently for a moment, head tilted in obvious curiosity, before she finally blurts out what's on her mind. "You aren't from around here, so what are you doing in a place like this?"

"We were going to the capital of the Republic, but our ship broke down," Padme explains carefully. "Until we can repair it, we're stranded here."

"Oh. What are you going to trade?" the child wonders.

Padme blinks at her in confusion. "What?"

"Trade. Y'know, you have to exchange stuff to get something." One orange hand waves slightly, before returning to grasp the rag.

She doesn't need to be a Jedi to suddenly have a very bad feeling. Granted she doesn't know much about Tatooine, but if they have to trade... Well, they don't have anything that they can trade. This is not looking good. "How long have you been here?" she queries curiously, trying to cover her mounting unease with friendliness. Besides, she doesn't want to be rude to the girl.

"Since I was very little, three, I think," the Togruta replies, "My Mom and I were sold to Gardulla the Hutt, but she lost us, betting on the Podraces to Watto, who's a lot better master than Gardulla... I think."

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