Chapter 4 - End of our Easy-going Lives

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Arriving early at school on the first day of the new month, I decided to reflect on the happenings since the second day of school in April.

Immediately over the intercom, we were invited to the main hall to see and hear from the various clubs around the school. I had made arrangements to join Hirata as, he assumed, we would be joining the soccer club together. Originally, I was all for this motion until I later found out how intensive the soccer club schedule was. I'd have to reconvene my ideas after hearing them out.

In the hall with Hirata and his girl followers, I took the time to glance around the complex. Out of the corner of my eye, I happened to notice Horikita and Ayanakouji to my immediate right about 20 metres away, perusing a pamphlet. The look on Horikita's face told me that she was dragged here by Ayanakouji as a last resort. I was suddenly plagued with guilt as if this were my fault for excluding him. I didn't think he would be interested in clubs and I had already made plans with Hirata. I apologize, nonetheless.

Nothing was of real interest until the student council president made his speech. Or his lack of speech I should say. I was fascinated by his domineering presence which immediately cast the room into an unbelievably tense and quiet mood. His quiet apathetic expression coupled with his intense gaze was merciless. He looked like a scholar of some sort; short, well-cut, dark black hair and sharp glasses over his piercing, calculating eyes. What a character, I thought to myself. Then he started his speech, slowly scanning the crowd.

"I'm the student council president. My name is Horikita Manabu," he said.

Immediately, my gaze homed in on the other Horikita. Her expression was convoluted. She didn't seem to notice Ayanakouji's puzzled gaze, she didn't seem to notice anything for that matter. She was solely focused on this man before her. Her body was unbelievably tense, eyebrows creased as if in pain, and her eyes were drilling a hole through the man on stage.

This was a relative of hers. A relative of which she has a very complicated relationship with. It was the only conclusion I could make. I wouldn't dig any further because I'm not as heartless as some may think. Even though I was intrigued, I decided to let sleeping dogs lie and move on.

Visiting the soccer club president, I was relieved that one could be casual in their participation. Unlike Hirata who wished to play full time, I was able to help as a substitute and be called up if needed. This fortunate happening allowed me to participate without having to attend all 6 sessions per week. This made both Hirata and I extremely happy. For me, I could join training whenever suited; for him, he had a friend to attend the club with him on occasion.


Another couple of weeks passed and we were all settling into our new school life. The boys of our class were extremely excited for the mandatory swim class about to unfold. I assumed it wasn't for the swimming.

Yes, I was correct.

The pure delight on some of their faces made it obvious what they were most excited about – the girls. I was astonished that the girls couldn't feel their overbearing, distasteful gazes from across the pool. I understand being smitten in front of the beautiful women in swimsuits, but was slightly revulsed by their primitive, caveman-like thinking. Their approaches obviously were negatively impacting their chances, as most of girls would only talk to Hirata or myself. Apparently standing next to the class pretty boy gathers a lot of unwarranted attention.

For that session, we were sorted into groups for races. The winning boy and girl of each group would receive 5000 points. How strange. Another clue showing the value of these private points, I thought. Unfortunately for me, I settled into fourth place just behind Hirata. We received many cheers together, so I felt kind of happy. Kouenji received the private points with Sudou begrudgingly finishing behind him. I was most surprised by Ayanakouji's placement. Judging by physique, he was a lot more toned and fit-looking than Sudou and the rest, but only managed tenth place. As someone also blessed with superior physical ability, I knew he wasn't trying at all. I deadpanned at Ayanakouji as if unimpressed, only to receive a shrug in return. So motivated.

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