Maritza Alex Richards is 17 and bisexual and her brother is the one and only Josh richards. Maritza lives in L.A. but hasn't seen her brother since she was 15 and he was 16. One day they reunited, but what happens when Maritza meets Josh's girlfriend
I woke up and saw a letter. I picked it up and read it.
Dear Brother,
I'm sorry but I had to go with payton, he didn't leave me a choice, he said he would hurt you so I'm doing this for you. Remember I'll always love you, tell everyone I'll be okay.
I couldn't believe what I was reading,she left her favorite song on in her room. I ran into the room and all her stuff was gone. I yelled at the boys to get in hear.
Me-Boys get here now!!!
Everyone came into the room..
Bryce-Where's Maritza?
Kio-And where's her stuff?
I started crying....
Jaden-Dude are you okay?
Me-She went with payton*crying*
Anthony-What why?
I gave them the letter and they were shocked.
Noah-We Gotta find her!!
Blake-Wait josh don't you have her location on your phone?
Me-Oh yeah
I pulled out my phone and tracked her location..
Me-She's in San Diego!!
We all rushed to the car and I started driving.
I went to go change ,when payton walked in and kissed me roughly, I tried to push him off but he was too strong. He finally got of me, I slapped him.
Payton- Alright that's enough!! Boys!!
They came in and tied me to the bed, payton got a knife from his drawer. He walked over to me and he made a cut on my neck.
He picked up my shirt and cut my stomach.
Payton- Are you going to stop and listen to me?
I nodded my head...
Payton- Words Babygirl!
He untied me and left the room. I went to the Bathroom and cleaned the cuts then I put on my favorite hoodie with some shorts.
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(Just the hoodie)
I went downstairs and went into the kitchen and grabbed some icecream from the freezer and sat in the living room. I put Vampire Diaries on Netflix. Payton walked over and sat down next to me. I wanted to push him away but I'd get punished again.
I got uncomfortable so I got up and went to the bathroom. I looked out the window and was the sway boys pulling up to the front door.
After Maritza left, I saw the sway boys pull up so i went into my dungeon and set the timer.
Payton called me so I went, i went into some darken room. Payton Grabbed me and put me in some glass tube and locked it.
Payton-Sorry Babygirl.
He went to a speaker thingy and started talking.
Payton-Dylan at our guest in and bring them down here.
Dylan-Yes boss
Minutes later the sway boys came in.
He was about to walk up to me but PAYTON stepped in front of them.
Payton-Hello old friends
Me-Guys what's he talking about?!
Payton- oh so they didn't tell you, you see me and the sway boys used to be friends back then, we even went on tour together.
Payton- Alright boys you have exactly 10 Minutes to get Maritza out of the flowing water tube.
Kio-But there's no water.
Payton- oh really?
He clicked a button, and water started flooding my feet.
Payton- your time starts now
Payton laughs and leaves the room, the boys start banging on the lock but it doesn't budge.
The water is now at my shoulders
Bryce- How are we going to get her out before she drowns?!
Jaden grabs a rock and throws it at the glass and it cracks.
Josh-Guys pick up rocks and throw it at the glass until it shatters!!!
After 12 minutes the glass finally shatters. Josh runs over to me and picks me up.
We all run over to the can, I can hear PAYTON yelling