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So I honestly really want to watch WandaVision, but I don't have Disney+ and quite honestly never will get it, seeing as I rather dislike streaming services. Physical media over digital media any day!

But like... I really want to watch all the Marvel TV shows that are on/going to be on Disney+, but I'm unable to. Which fucking sucks, because from what I've heard, all the mini series will be necessary to watch to understand future events in the MCU or some shit like that.

Which I find is rather stupid if the only people who will be able to do that are the ones that have Disney+. So unless they release them on DVD and Blu-ray (which they bloody well should) the rest of us are probably going to be a bit confused.

I don't want to have to buy a silly streaming service just to watch a couple of Marvel mini series just to I can understand future MCU events better. Frankly I'd rather not give any of my money to Disney if I don't have to.

Much like I'd rather not spend money on Netflix. The only show I'm interested in watching on Netflix is the Witcher. But if they're not bothering with a DVD release of it, then I'm not gonna bother.

Also, I don't have anything that'll work with Disney+ and Netflix. And if I was to waste money on them, I'd have to buy a newer laptop or a fancy smart TV to actually use it.

So fuck, if WandaVision, the Falcon and the Winter Soldier, Loki, and any other Marvel mini series that'll be on Disney+ doesn't get a DVD release, them I'm not gonna even bother with any new MCU movies after Black Widow. Not when the mini series are necessary to watch to understand future events in the MCU. It won't be worth it if I can't have the full story unless I have to buy a fucking streaming service.

Honestly, there's only one TV show that I'm forced to watch online on YouTube cause no DVDs were ever released and likely never will be. I don't want to add more to that list than I have to. However, I do plan on making my own DVDs for this show so I can watch it whenever instead of opening up YouTube. And I don't want to have to do the same with all of the Marvel mini series. So DVDs better get fucking made for all these Marvel mini series!

~ Candy doesn't like streaming services....

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