Neco Williams Rating my clothes

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Little background story you and Neco have been dating a little over 7 months. You have a YouTube channel where you have 1.30 million followers.

Neco has been in a few of your videos before and since lockdown has happened he made more of an appearance.

"babe I swear to god if you don't sit down in the next couple seconds I will completely ignore you for the rest of the day" you spoke getting bored of waiting "sorry I'm here now you can start" he said fixing his hair "I've already started anyways please introduce yourself" you said pointing to the flashing camera "hi I'm Neco I'm play for Liverpool and I'm dating her" how nice of him her 
"lovely ok so today's video is getting Neco to rate my clothes the past year my style has completely changed I went through a chav stage but thank god it didn't last long" you said thinking back to that "I'm need photos" he said while laughing "I think I have once on my Snapchat memories go look for it while I go change into the first outfit"

"babe I swear to god if you don't sit down in the next couple seconds I will completely ignore you for the rest of the day" you spoke getting bored of waiting "sorry I'm here now you can start" he said fixing his hair "I've already started anyways...

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"This is the first one it obviously for chilling and stuff like I would probably not go out in this also all the details for the clothes with be in the description so what are your thoughts?" you said while doing a full 180 "I'm not the biggest fan of it but it's good for chilling and like if your going to watch Netflix ok" he said while holding your hand no doubt your fans would pick up on it "what's the rating?" you asked "maybe like a 5/10"

"This is the first one it obviously for chilling and stuff like I would probably not go out in this also all the details for the clothes with be in the description so what are your thoughts?" you said while doing a full 180 "I'm not the biggest fa...

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"ok I really like this so nothing you can say will hurt my feelings" you were not gonna lie you were feeling yourself "I like it hey I bought you that top" of course he would pick that up "oh yeah so what do you rate it?" you asked "like a 8/10" he said "are you only saying that cause you bought me this top?" you already knew his answer "maybe but hey if it was a different top it might not work as well" he pointed out "true onto the next one"

"ok I really like this so nothing you can say will hurt my feelings" you were not gonna lie you were feeling yourself "I like it hey I bought you that top" of course he would pick that up "oh yeah so what do you rate it?" you asked "like a 8/10" h...

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