Moonbli vs Winterwatcher vs Qinter

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Oh boy, I probably sounded SUPER biased in this.

OK, let's get into it.

Remember, these are just my opinions, and you do not have to agree with them. I am completely aware that when it comes to these three ships, they cause the most arguments in the fandom.

First off, Winterwatcher:

Before I start reviewing the actual ship, it's come to my attention, that I have been incorrect when writing my Winterwatcher review.

What I was incorrect about, was that Winter automatically deserved Moonwatcher, because he had the worst life.

It is true, that you are not obliged to date someone, just because they have a rough childhood. That is not what happens in real life.

Then, there are the ones who say Moon isn't some kind of reward...that, I have to disagree with.

I do consider Moonwatcher to be a reward, because that is how she is portrayed in the books.

As soon as her POV was over, she was just there as this pretty thing with cool abilities. Plus, she doesn't properly express her feelings, until the LAST moment when Qibli is the hero of the story, and she is right there to confess her love for him out of the blue.

Now with that done, time to discuss Winterwatcher.

This ship had a very rough start, which resulted in a ton of people's dislike in Winter, which is understandable.

However, after looking through the wiki, the two do genuinely care for each other:

Moonwatcher once stated that she would never be Winter's enemy, no matter what he said.

Winter described Moonwatcher's voice as a spell that runs warmth in his veins. But, also feels a twisting feeling in his stomach whenever she's near.

Moonwatcher was determined to help Winter, whether or not he wanted her help.

Winter had quiet thoughts about how Moonwatcher was different from other NightWings and perhaps the most different dragon in Pyrrhia.

Winter once thought that where Narwhal and Tundra saw him as nothing more than a grey lump of ice, Moonwatcher saw him as dazzling mountain peaks.

Moonwatcher thinks that Winter's thoughts are confusing, but she also regards him as someone who can think bigger than the things that affect him personally.

As you see, the two had way more development than Moonbli. So, why did things end up the way they did?

No seriously, I'm genuinely confused.

Though, it also necessary to point out that even though Winterwatcher has an absurdly amount of potential, here's way I don't really like it.

The power dynamic.

Moonwatcher can barely stand up to Winter. Only a few times if I remembered correctly.

She didn't even have the nerve to reject him to his face. So, if Winter goes on one of his spites, Moonwatcher would be easily intimidated.

I still don't think the ship's abusive, but the two do lack communication.

Now, Moonbli:

First off, Qibli should've been the one to confess to Moon, not the other way around.

Unlike Moon, Qibli's feelings are clearer than day. We KNOW he loves her.

Plus, if he had been the one to confess, it would've showed how much he grown, learning to feel confident in himself. And then, Moonwatcher would consider it, and than accept his confession.

Would Moonbli still feel rushed? Yeah, but at least the confession would've felt more natural, instead of shoehorning Moonwatcher's feelings for Qibli last second.

OK, now let's see their dynamic.

From what I read from the wiki, the two act more like best friends than a couple, which I actually appreciate, since it brings up my point that you can still be in a romantic relationship with someone, and still act like friends.

Moon likes Qibli for his intelligence and observation, and once stated that she would miss listening to his thoughts.

Qibli frequently defends Moonwatcher from danger.

Qibli always worries about Moonwatcher, and wonders if he's ever enough for her.

So, far it's very hard to see what Qibli specifically likes about Moon. We know Moon likes him because he's intelligent, and we know Winter likes Moon because she makes him feel better about himself.

But, from what the wiki implied, Qibli first started liking Moon because she was pretty...and then he ended up falling in love with her for some reason?

I honestly don't know, if there is any Moonbli shippers out there, please tell me what this sandy boy likes more in this NightWing, because I am unsmart.

OK, now for my biggest gripe in this ship.

Exactly like Winterwatcher, it has a power dynamic.

Just like Moonwatcher can't stand up to Winter, Qibli can't stand up to Moonwatcher.

This is proven, when he doesn't disagree with Moon's questionable decisions, but instead defends them.

He agrees with everything she says on the spot, even when his whole home is at stake. Which is

Finally, Qinter:

So far, no weird power dynamic, so that's good.

Now let's see here:

Qibli really admires Winter, thinking him as a heroic, tortured, and handsome dragon, and is afraid that he might end up looking awkward beside him.

Qibli also purposely paired Winter with Moonwatcher on a trip, to give Winter the motivation he needed to save Hailstorm.

Winter once saved Qibli from a flaming spear, and Qibli was extremely grateful to him.

When Winter arrived in the Ice Kingdom, he imagined what Qibli's response would be to Tundra, and it made him laugh the first time since he returned home.

After realizing that Tundra and Narwhal intended for Winter to die during the Diamond Trials, Winter thought that Qibli would never do something like that to him.

When Winter failed to find Hailstorm, Qibli fiercely told him he was not allowed to stop searching until Hailstorm was found.

Qibli almost cried when he thought Winter was dying from his burns.

I really do enjoy this ship, since Winter would need a daily dose of Qibli's goofiness, and Qibli likes to be around Winter.

But again, I do think these two have communication problems.

Don't get me wrong, I am not expecting them to pour their souls out to each other without restraint. I just want a little clarification, for them to tell each other that "Hey, I relate to you, so you don't have to feel alone, okay?"

It doesn't even have to played off as romantic, these two could've had a much deeper bond as friends, too.

Just saying.


And that's a wrap.

It's kinda sad that the love triangle was written poorly (No offense, Tui), because it could've been really interesting to read if it was actually planned through.

Anyway, what are your thoughts?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2021 ⏰

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