The orange tabby kit stepped out side into the snow. "Eek" She squealed. "Lunar, its cold." Lunar sighed "Dawn, its snow. Now come here." Dawn padded over.
On the other side of the Hollow Log a black and white she-kit was playing with here brother, a white tom. "Dawn, come on I found a beetle." He mewed. "O.k. Mouse" She padded over to her brother. Then a heavy weight flung on top of her. "Got you." Said the attacker. "Oof." Dawn fell over. "Spirit, get off of me." Spirit leaped off and grinned. "I totally got you." "Well, you just-" "Kits stop that and I'll tell you a story." Lunar called from the other side of the den. Dawn, Spirit, and Mouse raced over. Mouse asked "Witch one?" "The one of your Father."
"Your Father..." Lunar began. "Was the best cat of all times. He was like Dawn, but he had whit paws, under belly, tip-tail, chest, and muzzle. Also he had Mouse's green eyes-" "Like my eyes, wait there green." Mouse interrupted. "I thought they were blue." "Let me continue." She said getting annoyed. "His name was Thunder. He fought like thunder. Do you know the clans, MoonClan, RainClan, StoneClan, and BreezeClan?" "Yes." All the kits answered at the same time. Lunar contineued. "Well his parents lived in MoonClan. But the clans are mean, very mean. So the ran away. Then seasons later -after we were born- he me. But he died. But I see him in all of you his looks and his spirit." Lunar finished. "Now go to sleep, My Dears."
Dawn yawned. She wanted to dream of her father tonight.
Hope you like it in going to add another chapter every week.

Dawnspirit's Revenge
FantasyDawn's life is all loner until one day... Find out how Dawn came from being a loner to a clan warrior. Then got REVENGE.