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     PUSHING OPEN THE DOORS, Venus made her way into another day at school. She had spoke to her father about her little road side episode last night but he didn't know anything about what had happened to her. He took a wild guess though that it was the forest trying to communicate with her, they couldn't figure out why though.

After a lot of research, Venus found that Bardo was actually a Tibetan word for an in between state of life and death. Which only lead to more confusion as she couldn't begin to fathom why she was being sent that message.

     Slamming her locker shut, she was instantly bombarded by a certain strawberry blonde and her best friend. Furrowing her brows, the Fiore girl speaks up before either of them could.
"Um, can i help you?"

"Oh, we just realized we never got to thank you for pulling over for us the night of the accident." Lydia replies with a sweet smile on her face.

"You don't have to, I didn't really do anything." Venus replies, her fingers fumbling together nervously.

"Yeah but you still had the decency to pull over, so thank you." the taller brunette speaks, a more genuine smile on her face than her friend.

"Uh you're welcome I guess."

"I'm Allison by the way, that's Lydia."

"I know who you are." the blue eyes girl speaks without thinking, mentally facepalming herself at her words. "Uh, I'm Venus and I really have to get to class, sorry!"

     She rushes off quickly, desperate to worm her way out of that awkward exchange. That's what I get for being nice and putting myself out there, thanks dad. Back at her locker, the two girls still stood, watching Venus push her way through the hallways to their shared english class.

     "Are we sure she's not just weird?" Lydia hums, resting on the lockers behind her as Scott and Stiles approached the two. The group had come to the conclusion to attempt to befriend the girl, since no one seems to know anything about her or how she could be supernatural, they planned to find out themselves.

"I'm telling you," Stiles speaks, his eyes still following the mysterious girl, "She knows something."


     Making her way to the woods after school seemed to be a routine for Venus at this point, except this time her dad was making his way through behind her. It had only been a couple weeks since he ended their regular training sessions, however, with everything going on lately he thought Venus should be more prepared than ever. The sun was going down at this point and they were still scuffling across the forest floor, her father pushing her harder than ever today.

     "Focus, Venus!" Alexander yells, "Your powers won't always save you, hand-to-hand is equally as important." he throws another punch her way, she blocks it with ease and spins her leg around aiming for his stomach but he grabs it and pulls her onto the ground. A sharp pain goes through her back as she lands on the floor, letting out a groan. She lay for a few seconds, panting with her father standing over her.

Imbalance. Fix it. Imbalance.

     Venus lets out a panicked yell as the voices scream through her head, alarming her father. She quickly explains to him that its the same as last night but something was happening this time, she could feel it. The girl pulls herself off the floor, focusing all her energies on the voices, hoping to figure out where the problem was.

"Vee, what is it?" her father asks lowly, not wanting to disturb her focus.

"I'm not sure, but its in the woods."

VENUS 🪐 STILES STILINSKI {1} Where stories live. Discover now