The Sea Monster

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I don't own any characters or art in this fanfic! All characters belong to Rick Riordan! Also, if I make any typos please tell me! Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy!


Everyone in town knows about the sea monster.

Every night, he goes into town to find his prey. He lures them in with his voice, only to bring them back to the ocean, to eat them.

Few survive this, and the people who do, they lose their mind, like they were cursed. You can only gather from them that he was beautiful, his voice was like an angel’s, and that when he took you into the ocean, he became a monster.

He only hunted young men, women, teens, and the occasional twelve-year old. It was terrifying, because the people had no way to stop him. Every night, someone would go missing, or come back insane.

They knew he lived in the ocean, and when people tried to bomb the area where they thought the monster lived, they would either be cursed, or just eaten by the sea monster himself. And the people who came back insane, they would always wander over the fact that the monster had not even a scratch on him.

Teens, young men and women would fear for their lives, and lock themselves in their houses at night. But only one person refused to hide, either in bravery or utter stupidity. That person was Will Solace.

Will POV

Will sat at the edge of the ocean, which was deserted, due to the fact people were scared. Was he scared?

Yes, a hundred percent.

But that didn’t mean he still didn’t love the view of the sunset as it reflected off the surface of the water, making the deep orange and pink hues stand out brighter. 

“Will! Why are you out here? It’s about to be sunset! Get inside!” his mom yelled from his house just a few ways away.

She always worried about Will. She thought that every night, he'd have to sleep in his room with all the locks on, but he was fine. Will never went out after dark, and he never actually swam in the ocean, just looked at it. He was careful.

“Coming!” Will called back, standing up, and running back to his house, just turning his head back once to see the sun settle into the horizon.

As he walked into the house, his mother gave him a stern look. “You know it’s dangerous to be out there! What if the monster decides he wants you next?”

“Mom I’m fine,” he said, kicking his shoes off.

“Sweetie, you’re fifteen, that's the age when most people go missing. I can’t lose you too…” she trailed off. Will looked back at her to see silent tears forming in her eyes.

He immediately felt guilty and ran over to comfort her. Will was too young to remember Micheal and Lee, but apparently when they were around his age, the monster took them. He never wanted to worry his mom, but he didn’t want to live in fear his whole life either.

“Mom, I’ll be fine. I promise I’ll be more careful, okay?” Will said, cupping his mother’s face, their foreheads touching.

“O-okay,” She stuttered. “I’ll go make dinner, Kayla and Austin are upstairs, can you go get them?”

He nodded and went upstairs to get his siblings. Kayla was his eight year-old little sister, and Austin was his six year-old little brother. Austin was adopted, and Kayla was his half-sister.

“Hey, guys! Dinner’s ready!” Will called out.

Immediately he heard speeding footsteps come toward him. “Willy’s home!” Austin shrieked happily. Will laughed at his enthusiasm and picked him up, placing him on his own hip.

“Willy, carry me too!” Kayla whined, clinging to Will's legs.

He simply chuckled, grasping his own free hand onto hers, as they walked back downstairs to where Naomi had made chicken and mashed potatoes. The delicious smell wafted up Will's nose, making him feel warm. He put Austin down so he could go sit in a chair next to Kayla.

“Is Dad coming home for dinner?” Will asked, helping his mother set set the table.

“I’m afraid, not dear. He said he had to work late tonight,” she answered sympathetically.

“He always had to work late,” he mumbled under his breath.

And with a comfortable silence, everyone began digging into their food.


I know those aren't Austin and Kayla's real age, but I changed it for the story.  I hope you guys liked this first chapter!

Monster Beneath The Surface (Solangelo AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora