✨Chapter 76✨

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"Come down to Dinner!" Called out Maggie to Mangle who is in her room with the door wide open, she heard feeling disturbed. She wouldn't eat if she wasn't expecting but she must eat since she needs the nutrients of course.

Mangle walks out and tries to avoid eye contact with lolbit who is starting to give her looks. 'This girl..hasn't learned her lesson..I still wonder why so hateful..I know her boyfriend wanted me but I didn't ask of it..so why.'

Mangle settles down five chairs away from lolbit in a long fancy table. Lolbit seemed to displayed a new facial expression as if she were a new person, her face numbed up completely just poking at her plate with her fork.

'Hmm..what a surprise' Mangle thought before she sees her plate settle infront of her by one of the maids. Mangle gave her a thankful expression and then whispered to her.

"You know..as I said..I can serve it by myself, no need to serve it up for me." Mangle says seeing the maids face soften up as she lightly shooked her head. "But miss, it's my job to do so..now enjoy your meal." The maid says in her kind tone of voice before stepping away.

Mangle just smiled lightly but then faded away slowly thinking how it feels so odd for her having a servant around doing her things for her. She didn't ask for this of course, she remembers how before when she used to live here when they would do everything for her

To this day, it all still feels weird. She was always used to do things by her own doing not someone doing it for her. Ever since Mangle processed on into her pregnancy, foxy would make sure she wouldn't carry anything heavy.

He would caught her at times trying to swift away trash, he grabbed the cleaning supplies from her and made sure she stayed away from all that.

He didn't know much about a pregnant woman until the same day when he founded out the news, he did research just for her and how to be a good father. That didn't stop there, throughout those months he didn't stop there also making sure he gives her the best nutritious food.

Mangle was eating calmly until Lobert began to talk faintly, mangle picked it up and pretended she was just eating her meal. "Why don't you just make her give them up for adoption, I know someone who would want them..wouldn't it be better? she's just going to tell them about their father and who knows from there, you know how silly kids can be." lobert began in a low voice, maggie listened in not aware of Mangle.

"B-But Don't you think it would cruel? Their my grandchildren..I've always wanted grandchildren." Maggie said truthfully glancing over to make sure Mangle is not listening in.

"I know but...there can be dangers of keeping them, I can quickly contact someone I know who has been trying for so long, so don't you think this is the right choice." Lobert says as he drank some of his wine.

Maggie thought for a bit, getting to her decision on this. Mangle heard all of it and knew she's isn't going to be quiet about this. Mangle founded him intrusive, a mad man...who never had any caring feelings towards Mangle ever since her and Mangle moved in here.

"I heard it all...mom how can you let this happen?! To let him manipulate you, and to your own daughter?! He has his own boundaries and I have my own, I'm an adult..you can't decide for me." Mangle began as she got up from the table loosing her sense of hunger.

"M-Mangle I-." Maggie is interrupted by a Madden Mangle who didn't want to hear or know anymore. "I? I?! No..just Don't say anything! just keep quiet..much better to hear slience than having to hear your voice, I hate you...a least Foxy knows how to respect my boundaries! unlike him this man..who brain washed you, I'm keeping them." Mangle says as she glances a glare to each of them. She walks away from there without any another one leaving Maggie with her mouth slightly widen opened.

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