Chapter 2(I guess??:/)

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I don't know if you would consider these chapters but I guess you could, comment what you think, any way hope you enjoy this new "chapter".

~jack's POV~
As Terra and I meet at the front of the school we hear the roaring of a car's motor. We look backwards at the same time to toward the noise to see a shiny, new, red and slick looking convertible and I'm not at all surprised at who's it is. Flynn Rider's or should I say Eugine Fitzherbert's, people tell me that he changed hid name when he was in preschool or kindergarden, I cant remember, because he hated his name that much. he's such a spoiled brat. then I see beside him in the passenger see rapunzel. (she's so much nicer than him.) her extremley long hair flows perfectly down her back in a wave of gold.

Flynn wears a plain white shirt with a simple dogtag necklace and black sunglasses hang from the front of his shirt and he has a leather jacket slung over one of his shoulders. all the freshmen students stare at him as he steps out of his new car and rapunzel soon following him. she wears denim shorts that are frayed at the ends with a short cut black longsleeve shirt with white daisys scattered all over it. I don't even undestand how rapunzel clould ever get with him, she's in the same grade as me but flynn is a year older than us. Actually no one knows how they ended up together. most of the girls fall for flynn except Terra, she hates him too. Flynn and Rapunzel say their goodbyes for the day and we all head inside the school for our first day of the year.

The first bell ring and echos down the hall as I open my new locker for the first time this year, with a 'click' and shove my bag in. "Hey, jack" I hear someone say to my left, I turn to see Terra jumping up and down attempting to reach the top cubby but only to fail. Last year in middle school the top cubbies on the lockers were hard enough for her smaller and shorter build but now, this year she can't even reach the top.

"Jack, I don't have all day," she snaps at my face and her bright purple eyes giving me a death stare that could possibly bore holes through me if she tried hard enough. "Oh, sorry," I say. I reach over Terra taking her lunch out her small hands and I place it onto the top. "Thanks, you have first period science right,"she asks. I reply with a single nod as we start to walk to our first period class.

Terra and I take our seats, which I'm so thankful that we're nest to eachother. "my name is Ms. Porter, I am your science teacher this year. I will start out by taking attendence, I truly apologize if i pronounce your name wrong, if I do then feel free to corect me and if you want to be called a cirtain way please feel free to also tell me that," she says ina very cheery and nice way, she sounds like shes going to be a nice teacher, yesh, but she looks incredibly young for a teacher. "First on the list lets see, hmm, Anna," she says. I look around the classroom to see a girl with brownish and orangey hair with a pure cream-white streak that good right down a lock of her hair and intertwines with her two braids that rest under a grey hat that slouches messily on top of her head, I remember her from middle school. I think I had some classes with her in the past years. Ms. Porter calls out more familiar names but my ears prick up to one specific name: Rapunzel. I can not believe it, Rapunzel is in my class. I'm extremely surprised, of course I have been in some of the same classes as her but this is the first time I'm in a class with her that lasts all year. Everyone's head turns toward her at the same time. I silently wish myself good luck inside my head. But not only is Rapunzel in one of the same classes as me, I literally sit up straiter when she says "Hiccup horrendous haddock III, that sure is a mouth ful and I also heard you were new to this district, how about you come up and introduce yourself to the class," she hues tires to the front of the classroom. I frantically look around the desks for him and I soon spot him scrunched up with his book held tightly against his chest, and I was right, he is a transfer. I wonder what school district he came from then. "Do I have to," hiccup quietly says. "Well it would be nice if you would, because everyone else seems to know each other, and wouldn't want to feel left out, right," she says assuringly. "But if you really don't want to then you don't have to, I can't make you do anything." Hiccup slowly sets his book down and says,"i guess I'll try." Then he walks shyly up to the front of the classroom and when he gets to the front no one says a word until finally Ms. Porter breaks the silence, "well why don't we start out with your name," she says as she claps her hands together once cheerfully. "Um, o-okay, well my name is hiccup h-horrendous haddock III, but you can just call me Hiccup if you want," he stutters out. "Now tell us a little bit about what you like to do in your free time," she says kindly. "u-um, well I like to read. especially about different kinds of dragons, I r-really love dragons," i hear a few snickers go around the classroom as he speaks and he plays with his fingers while staring at his shoes.

"can I go sit back down at my desk now," he asks quietly to ms. Porter and she responds with a laugh,"well I guess you can but I'm sure I'll find another way to get more out of you," she says with a. smile on her face. I'm starting to regret calling her a nice teacher, she treats us like elementary school kids and we're in highschool. he sits back down at his desk and burries his head into his arms, which are resting ontop of his desk, trying to ignore the several stares from the class.

She continues the adendence and i call out "here" as she says my name. the. she eventually finishes the names and announces,"we will now begin our first class of the year."

Ello AGAIN, sorry about the short chapter but plz comment if u r enjoying or if u think I should make longer chapters, U don't even have to follow I just want to know if it's enjoyable. THX BAIIII

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