Chapter Six

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Izuku hated doing paper work.

He hated doing said paperwork even more when suffering from a hangover.

But there he was, doing paper work with a hangover.

He might have drank a little more than he should have last night, but he honestly did not care. He took any opportunity which allowed him to distract his mind, also causing him to ramble on when he did not realize.

But his becoming the No. 1 hero did not mean he could get out of paper work.


He paused from his work for a moment, letting out a sigh. He had been at this for two hours already, and it was only ten in the morning.

He was just about to resume when his receptionist buzzed his office. "Deku, All Might is here to see you." She said with a giddy tone. Izuku smiled. When it came to heroes, she was just about as excitable as he was.

"Let him in, please." Izuku said. He was curious as to why Toshinori, his idol, decided to pay him a visit. Sure, they talked often. Toshinori was a better father figure than Izuku's father could ever hope to be. But that did not mean they had in-person visits often.

Toshinori came in with a smile, and Izuku rose to his feet. "For the last time, quit being so formal." The old hero said as he took a seat. Izuku sat as well. "It's nice to see you."

"You too." Izuku replied with a smile of his own. "What brings you here?"

"Every year, I receive a copy of the upcoming rankings. It was a request I made to keep up with you and your classmates." Toshinori stated, a weak smile on face. A light blush crossed Izuku's cheeks at the sentiment. "Congratulations on becoming No. 1, Deku."

"Thank you, sir. I really couldn't of done it without you." Izuku said shyly. Even after all these years, he was still shy in the presence of his idol, his hero. Toshinori laughed, but did not comment about on the young alpha's shyness.

"I didn't notice Young Bakugou's name on the list." Toshinori pointed out. His tone dipped to a more somber one, and electric blue eyes met sad, emerald ones.

Izuku tensed at the mention of his ex. He pensively directed his gaze elsewhere. "Um... Kacchan isn't a hero anymore. He resigned a few months ago."


"Yeah." Izuku breathed out.

"I guess I don't pay attention to the news much anymore. May I ask why?" Toshinori did not miss the way Izuku seemed to tense even more.

"Uh... He... He went through some things. He was, um... He was kidnapped by Death Row. They were an organization who kidnapped omegan heroes and tortured them before killing them." Izuku forced past his lips. The mere thought of the group made infuriated them. "They got him by seducing me into making out with one of their members, and Kacchan saw. He was with them for roughly nine hours. By the time we arrived, he'd been whipped and raped, and he had killed six of their seven members."

"What?" The disbelief in Toshinori's voice made Izuku wince.

"He'd gone feral, and he decided to attack those who hurt him. When we arrived, he tried to kill me, but Shinsou stopped him with his quirk." Izuku added, his eyes glued to his unfinished paperwork.

"Bakugou tried to kill you?" The ex-hero asked for confirmation, and Izuku nodded his head.

"He wasn't thinking straight. The only thing on his mind was that I kissed another person, and he wanted to avenge his pain." He defended the love of his life. His heart ached in his chest. The young alpha wanted nothing more than to hold Katsuki in his arms and tell him everything would be okay.

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"Where is he now?"

"Who knows? He resigned then fell off the face of the earth. The last time I seen him was at Kirishima, Shinsou, and Kaminari's wedding, where the two of us had a very drunken one night stand." Izuku deadpanned, shrugging his shoulders and slumping into his chair.

Toshinori's eyes grew wide.

"He doesn't want to talk to me anymore."

"Midoriya, you need to talk to him." Toshinori stated.

The green haired alpha scoffed. "Tell that to Kacchan. He probably blames me for everything. I mean, it is my fault. If I hadn't let myself be seduced, he never would've gotten kidnapped." Scarred fingers ran through his curly, forest green hair. "Maybe we'd still be together."

Izuku's head swung to the side as the sound of a slap echoed across the room. Izuku's eyes widened, and his hand flew up to his cheek. "Stop being negative!" Toshinori exclaimed. "It wasn't anybody but the villains' fault! You need to get that through your dense head!"


"No buts! I want you to find a way to contact Young Bakugou, and make him understand!"

"I can't." Izuku argued. His eyes narrowed. "Kacchan has terrible anxiety and P.T.S.D. I can't be forceful without triggering shit for him."

"Then don't be forceful! Not everything means you have to force things. The two of you need a calm conversation." Toshinori stated. His tone made it sound final, making Izuku unwilling to argue. "Find him. Whether it be his number, his address, where he works, or even where he buys groceries. Find him, and talk to him."

"I've been trying. He-"

"Try harder!" Toshinori shouted, slamming his hand down on the desk. He pointed a finger at Izuku. "You love him, right?"

"Yes. Of course I do. That-"

"Then prove it. Show him that you're not willing to be pushed aside anymore."

"But-" Izuku tried to argue, but Toshinori spoke first.

"Plus Ultra, Midoriya. You know Bakugou. If you want to make any progress with him, you'll have to make the first move."

Izuku opened his mouth.




It was everywhere.

It was on the floor.

On the walls.

On his body.

Katsuki almost could not believe what he was seeing when he looked in the mirror.

What that even him?

There was so much blood. It made it almost impossible to tell.

It stained his clothes.

It covered his mouth and chin.

It splattered across his cheeks.

And his hands were drenched in it.

He looked down at his hands, staring in wonder at all of the blood.

He then noticed a strange abnormality. He turned to the side, lifting his shirt slowly. His eyes widened upon noticing how pregnant he was.

Did he not only just find out?

His stomach was huge, and he looked ready to pop at any moment. He dropped his shirt again, and it went away. His brows furrowed. He lifted his shirt again, but all he saw was his abs.

"What the fuck?"

He felt it before he saw it. There was a child. They did not have a face or any obvious features. Katsuki looked down at them. "Why did you kill Daddy?" They asked. Their voice was distorted and demonic. He could not tell if they were male or female, nor could he assume the age.

"What? I didn't-" Katsuki stopped then the child pointed. Katsuki turned, his eyes widening. "No." He rushed over to the body on the ground, turning it over to reveal his love's face. "Deku? Deku, no!" He looked up to find that the child had gone. He shook the thought from his head, choosing to on Izuku. "Deku!" He screamed. "Deku, wake up!"

"Deku!" He shouted as he sat up. He looked around, finding himself in the safety of his bedroom. Ryuu whined up at him worriedly. Katsuki looked down at his hands then sighed with relief.

There was no blood.

Deku was fine.

He reached for his phone, desiring to confirm the fact. He went into his contacts then scrolled down to the D's. He hit the contact, but his thumb hovered over the call button.

He could not call Izuku.

Izuku hated him.

Katsuki was a murderer -- a villain. He killed people.

Why would Izuku care for a villain?

Why would anyone want to talk to him?

He killed people. He took their lives with his bare hands. He could do the same to those he once called his friends.

Couldn't he?


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