A Proper Author's Note [ A/N ]

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Fellow Reader,

Good day! May your loved ones stay contented always. So the main reason of writing this is that I've realized that I never really did a proper Author's Note.

So today I'm having nothing ( actually a load of things ) to do, I thought of writing this. So let's go!

First, Thank You So Much for this many reads and votes! It's 23.7K reads and 1.42K votes and still counting! Yay! I never really expected so much success when I thought of writing this book.

Second, IMMJ2 has been a important part in my lockdown life. I was suffering from mental instability. But then some weird fascination of spies brought me to IMMJ2. And seeing that serial everyday brought a constant in my life.

Today, I'm recovering. I'm gaining the lost stuff. And writing this book reminds me that along with this book I have other responsibilities. I would like to thank IMMJ2 for helping me unknowingly.

Life teaches us great things. Who knew that I would be living like a normal person again through a TV serial. But I did. Not that I didn't ask for help. I didn't want to. I wanted to fight alone and today I'm doing with my parents knowing my situation.

And your everyday comments keep me up. Everyday the first thing I do is check Wattpad. Start my day with you all's positivity. So please keep supporting. It's needed. Not only me but other people around.

Your suggestions would be appreciated too. Just suggest stuff and it will be written the very next day. If not next day, it will be fulfilled soon. But don't hesitate to share your suggestions.

If y'all want you can also share your problems. Start expressing cus it makes you feel lighted. I did and I'm happy.

Ho sakhe toh follow bhi kar dena. But only if you feel that I'm worthy enough. If not then ye bhi theek hai! No greed involved.

Yours Truly,
( My pen name is my jaan. )
But bye, seriously.

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