Mission Accomplished!

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"Marinette could you please take a picture of the Lafayette Saber, I completely forgot and I gotta film Dean Gate," Alya said with a small smile spread across her face.

"Of course," Marinette answered as she went towards the other part of the Museum.

"The real statue of liberty has a hollow stone in its base where a copy of U.S declaration of independence..." Dean gates explained the students. Alya could see Marinette at the corner of her eye walking towards the door,  she smirked and gave a nod to Nino, gesturing him to play his part. Understanding, Nino quickly took off his headphones and hid it behind his back as he started to act.

"Dude, I can't find my headphones," The boy with the red cap said as he nudged Adrien with his elbow lightly and moved his hand over his neck and collarbone, "Could you go check the other room and see if I left them here, I'll look here."

"No problem, I'm on it." The blond said, smiling reassuringly at his best friend. As soon as Adrien left, Nino turned to give a thumbs up to the Auburn-haired girl, whose smirk only got wider.

Marinette was about to click the picture when she heard footsteps. She turned around to see the green-eyed blond.

"Uh-uh-uh Adrien?"


Aeon put her right hand on the wall and the doors slammed shut. Due to the sudden action, he got startled and jumped. He looked back to see the exit, which was blocked by the wooden doors.

"Huh, what's happening?" She asked walking up to him.

He tried to open the doors but failed.

"That's strange." He gasped.

His phone buzzed, he took it out of his pocket only to see the Akuma Alet activated and an Akumatized Robustus on the screen.

"But Markov is here with us how could he have been Akumatized?"

While they were talking, Jess and Aeon were figuring out the reason why they were so stressed.

"Their stress levels are high enough to go to phase two," Aeon said.

"Okay, go!" Jess whisper-yelled as she threw the weapon towards the switch.

The lights in the room immediately went off and Aeon cast a hologram to carry out their plan.

"I am solitude and I am here to take captive of those who are loved by no one." The shadowy figure spoke. Marinette and Adrien's eyes widened in fear as they tried to push the door.

As Solitude paced forward to reach for the blonde, Marinette stood in front of him to defend him and screamed as she dropped on her knees, "N-no, I-I love him!"

Adrien's jaw dropped on hearing the confession of his 'friend'. He was shocked that he had been oblivious to his own feelings for the amazing blue-haired girl. He kept denying the fact that he liked her. His love for ladybug had blinded him even after a million rejections. And to move on from her, he dated Kagami which never worked. He never considered Marinette more than a friend. He realised his mistake and charged towards Solitude. 

The bluenette noticed his action as she pulled him behind a pillar. She knew that she could trust him completely.

"Mari-" Adrien was shushed be Marinette who placed her index finger on his peach lips.

"Shh, whatever I'll do, you won't say a word to anyone. Clear?" She commanded in a serious tone.

He nodded in agreement as he heard Marinette say the three words that he found too familiar.

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