The sun didn't always shine and he...

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A/N: This is part two of a small series. Part one is called 'A Nasty Cycle'. I recommend reading that first for better understanding and experience.
Anyway, enjoy Hobi-is-in-pain-and-feels-hurt because that's what this is :))

Sore. Tired. Moody. Done.

Just done.

Hoseok was so done with this - with dancing, with moving at all. He loved dancing with his whole heart, but it was the last thing he wanted to do right now.

Needless to say, he kept going, kept dancing. Of course he did, he always did; even when all that his body wanted was to lie down and never get up again. Just let himself be engulfed in the soothing embrace of sleep and get lost in dreams. Just escape to somewhere where pain didn't exist so he didn't need to feel like this anymore. Just... stop. Stop for a moment.

And it did. The music, that is.

His exhausted body collapsed to the ground and there he stayed for a minute, two minutes, five minutes. He didn't know. He only knew that he existed and that he was in pain, that existence was pain. Hoseok felt like he was floating but not the nice kind of floating where he was flying through fluffy clouds under the warm sun. No, he felt like he was trapped in a storm where trees were ripped out of the ground to crush him. He was about to be crushed when really he was just sprawled out on the floor of the practise room. Safe and sound.

But he didn't feel like he was.

The staggered breathing and faint voices that echoed inside those white walls were distant noise in his ears. However, the sweat running down his face and neck reminded him were he was and how and why and that he was hot.

Hot. It was so hot.

And silent. Finally.

His head was so grateful for the silence. It was such a blessing after all that blaring music and the members shouting over it. Hoseok had kept wincing but nobody saw, everyone too focused on their reflections in the mirror and switching positions in time.

His head hurt so much.

The moment Hoseok had woken up that morning, there had been a dull throbbing behind his eyes and at the back of his head, all the way down to his neck and shoulders. Over the course of the day, it had only got more vicious, slowly turning into a pulsating pain, relentless and maddening. Every noise had been pure torture since then, his ears way too sensitive.

Simply holding his head up was torturous as well. The simplest things were too much of an effort, a chore, a struggle. Just too much. His limbs still hurt from the day before and his back was aching so bad, he just wanted to scream.

Hoseok wanted to scream. He was in pain.

And sore. He felt so sore. Had felt so since last night, so he had barely even slept. Three hours at most. He didn't know. It didn't matter. He felt like he had not slept at all. He was tired. So tired.

Hoseok didn't know how he had managed to keep dancing until know when his whole body was hurting like that, but he had. Had managed to do so without letting on that he would much rather not. None of the others had even looked his way when Hoseok had collapsed to the floor. Because most of them had. It wasn't anything out of the ordinary. They all were exhausted. They all were in pain. They all had things to deal with; sore necks, back pains, headaches, exhaustion, stress.

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