Chapter 3

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A new beginning:

 "I hear by announce that Vira Romano be found guilty and charged with first degree manslaughter, and to serve life in prison with a chance of parole.” The judge’s booming voice yells at me, his grey eyes fierce as he looks into mine.

Romeo tenses beside me and gives me a panicked look, his face turning towards the judge and then back at me.

“Tyler Miller is found guilty in the voluntary help of manslaughter and will be given five years in prison” He announces again and I scoff loudly, my tied hands slamming down on the table.

“Don’t” Romeo hisses at me as I abruptly stand up, my vision blurring with rage.

“Are you kidding me? I don’t deserve that!” I cry out as a police officer grabs me and holds me in place, his grip getting tighter by the second.

“Shut your mouth!” He barks at me as another cop comes up to my other side and grabs my shoulder.

“Don’t touch me!!” I scream as they drag me through the courtroom and back out the large doors, the faces of the parents smiling at me as I pass by.

“That’s what you get, you monster!” The mother suddenly gets up and screams, her voice strained from the countless hours of sobbing.

Her husband softly touches her arm to pull her back down but she stands firmly, her mouth screwed up in a snarl.

I laugh as I push against the hands dragging me backwards, my mouth in a wide toothy smile.

“She got what that b!tch deserved!” I scream back, my harsh words striking  the parents like a knife, the woman's hand grasping at her heart.

I was already getting a life time in prison so I didn't care if this got me more in trouble, I had already tried to damper the situation with lies and playing innocent but nothing seemed to work.

I pleaded insanity, then when that didn't work I started crying on the stand how it was all just an accident.

The judge still called me guilty as my lawyer couldn't do anything more, the crime was too explicit for them to argue anything more.

So, with nothing else to do, I decided to cause a scene.

Of course I didn't believe Margo deserved it, she was just a normal woman living her normal life.

It was just that she had a target over head which meant a lot of money for me.

Deep down I know I should feel guilty or sad about doing this but I don't.

Just a gnawing emptiness inside, a forever coldness inside my heart.

"You can't do this to me!" I shriek again as I struggle against the grabbing, my feet sliding against the carpet floor.

All of the eyes on me watched in horror and satisfaction.

I was just putting on a show for them.

Being pulled down the hallway and the courtroom being far behind me now, I was thrown in an empty cell.

"You get what you deserve, you disgusting criminal" A cop sneered at me as he spat on the ground.

I ran up against the bars and curled my hands around them, my face getting close to his.

"Your what's wrong with this society. Just a disgusting pig who grew up with daddy issues and the only way to stop you from ending your pathetic little life is to take it out on others" My voice is steady and thick with venom.

He takes a step back, his face wavering for a moment as if reality had just washed over him.

"Be ready to wake up early in time for prison, the sooner you rot the better" he hissed back and slams his fist down on the wall next to me but I don't flinch this time.

I don't move at all. 

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