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Being on a plane was nauseating. Avira couldn't understand how people could do this on daily bases.

She took liking to a lot of things, and being trapped in a bird box (like she would call it), wasn't one of them. The countless body cologne was driving her senses sick and the fact she couldn't take five steps without threatening to spill out her insides, was giving her five different types of headache.

This was a tight, compressed, moving hazard. What were the Wright brothers thinking!?

"Avi darling, you guys doing okay back there?" Meredith called, not taking her eyes off a news paper outlet, she'd been reading for the past hour.

"ummm...Yes?" She replied trying to sound reassuring, but failing as the anxiety in her voice gave her way.

Meredith's attention drifted to her daughter, as she adjusted herself so she could sit sideways, or try too.

Avira felt light headed, like she was five seconds from passing out, and that had been three hours ago. Her heart beat was uncontrollably fast, even she know she was close to having a heart attack, not that she'd know what that felt like.

Well, I might soon find out.

Her palms were hot to the touch but not overly sweaty. She wouldn't say the same for her face though, she was sweating buckets, judging from the shock on her mother's face which was enough to give her an idea.

"Are you alright honey? You don't look so good"  The older woman  asked, taking off her reading glass as her faced laced with worry.

"yea...yeah I'm great!" Avira quickly answered giving the most unreal smile she could muster.

Just as the words left her lips, the air metal disaster picked the exact moment to shatter her fake composure, sending her into panic mode.

"I'm not fine. Don't I look fine? I think I look fine I mean, who wouldn't be fine, its just an airplane right?..."

Oh God why can't I stop talking?!

She felt bad seeing as Meredith's concern grew with every word she spoke. She wanted more than anything to assure her she was, or at list will be okay, but her mind and body, as it has always been, always seem to be one step ahead of each other.

This was her first time on a plane and to her, it was not even close to as inviting as those airline commercials allow people to think. Since they'd been on air, it had been nothing but bumpy rides, "It was a surprise Nate could sleep so soundly" She though as she couldn't help but be a little jealous.

It took her a minute to recognize the voice through her panic.

"...breath, take a deep breath..."

She could hear the undertone of raising panic and unspoken question as Meredith tried to calm her down. And so she took a deep breath, as she began to felt the cold air of the Air Conditioning filling her lounges, along with the mix stanched of spiced cologne and unease, which she choose to ignore.

"So, I might have neglected to mention the part where I've never flown before." Avira tried to smile to ease the tension but the worry on Meredith's face told her otherwise.

"You could have told me!" Came the woman's soft whisper, as she waved at an air hostess she could clearly see from her line of view.

Avira took a deep breath as she tried to even her breath as the attendant came into view.

THE CATALYST (UNEDITED)Where stories live. Discover now