day 1 >>

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dedicated to THECUPPEDCAKE because chipxxandiee is the best ship ever hashtag-relationship-goals-as-fark and because her writing is WRITING-GOALS-times-fark oh god i love her writing (i secretly am an obssessed fangirl))

SO (ELI)ZABETH CHANG WAKES up from a deep slumber, expecting to see a gigantic gash running from her forefinger to the part where her vines splice at the wrist; a result of dreams involving a knife, lettuce, and a soup kitchen.

She wonders why she is dreaming about a soup kitchen, about lettuce, and about a knife, and ponders why she suddenly feels like there is a weight on her shoulders. It's been exactly four hours ago since Mae's left to Bali--no, Tioman Island, to frolic among palm trees and get sand in her toes, whilst her less-interesting friend, Elizabeth, is stuck at home.

Council duties...? Nope, she'd been relieved of them two days ago; summer-school patrol will be done by School Welfaring Committee. Personally, she feels that they have the absolute toughest job out of all the Committees branching out of Council, because they have to find out all the most choice make-out places(which, in actual fact, are not the sweat janitor's closets but in the middle of the hallway, where things can get a little starkly...naked, for the whole student body to see), they have to break up catfights(precisely because the kissing and hugging and eating people's faces are done so publicly, everyone knows whos is with who and who is cheating on who and who with, thus, catfights), they have to break up the jockfights(no, we are not going there, nope), and they have to deal with cheerleaders' complaints about the swimmer-girls who seem to have captured all of their boyfriends' hearts(because really, fifty percent of the cheerleaders at Elizabeth's school seem to have kissed at least fifteen boys a year, and these boys really just find the whole slut(?) game boring and thus go to the reliable swimmers instead for a long, steady relationship), and then they have to deal with the amount of gum stuck onto the bottom of desks and the teachers' desks(and sometimes the history teacher's mug, as well), and they have to keep account for all the rubbery PE balls that sit shut tight in the closet but because some ignorant couple decides to waltz in there one day for their "seven seconds of heaven" ritual or something, the balls always bounce relentless everywhere(nope we are not talking about the male reproductive part or the female's two fat-balls stuck to her chest), and that is precisely why Zabeth feels so sorry for the School Welfare Committee.

Breakfast...? Nope, in the Summer holidays, Zabeth doesn't really do breakfast, she does 3-o'-clock lunches that consist of breakfast food, and eats her midnight dinner later on, when she feels hungry and decides to stretch her lazy muscles to go to the phone and order pepperoni. (What a typical teenager) ((but she's not, because once she checks her phone, she realizes, that unlike other teenagers, who have nothing to do on the first few weeks of Summer vacay, she has--))

mae: hope you remember to WAKE UP EARLY; today soup-kitchening starts!

mae: also, does a pink strapless or blue go better with my boobs?

Zabeth groans and buries her head in her pillow, desperately trying to ignore the goldeny sunlight streaming in from the window.

"Hello? Eliza-beth?" Her mom pushes the door open, bearing a smile that Elizabeth can feel, while not even looking at her. Her mom's big on the whole Carpe Diem thing, "Seize the day!"

"Time to seize the day!" Her mom chortles, and Elizabeth finds this practise so endearing a sob starts t come up and almost makes it to the tear ducts in her eyes because why does this lovely woman have to have cancer why not mae's mom why not connor grffin the ex boyfriend's mom why MY MOM!

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