Chapter 4

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*Third POV*

Team RWBY was sitting at their table with team JNPR talking about a certain someone and his initiation.

Jaune: Did you guys hear? We're getting a new student.

Pyrrah: I wonder who it is?


Ren looks at team RWBY and see's that they have very complex and worry some looks on their faces.

Ren: You guys okay? You look worried.

Ruby: Well you see....

They then heard a yelp and turned to see Cardin pulling on Velvet's ears and his team laughing at her... again.

Yang: *SIGHS* Oh my Oum... again!

Pyrrah: Such brutes they are.

As team CRDL were bullying everyone heard the sound of a gun click. As Cardin turns around, everyone saw (Y/N) come out of no where holding his wingman towards Cardin's head. Everyone was shocked to see him just appear out of no where and with such a cool set of armor.

(Y/N): I'm only going to ask you this once. Let her go.

Cardin: Or what? Your outnumbered you robot freak!

And as on queue, his team show up behind.

*(Y/N) POV*

As I keep my gun trained on this assholes head, his team of ass kissers walk up behind me. So I decided to have some fun. I activate a hologram that looks like I'm still aiming at this "Cardin" and then activated my cloak again and snuck up behind them.

Cardin: Hey Sky! Go ahead and get rid of this loser.

Sky: Oh this is going to be fun! Now hold still you freak!

As he throws the punch, it goes through the hologram and I hear the gasps from all of the other students and then I appeared behind them and aimed my smart pistol loaded with dummy rubber rounds. 

Me: Bad move.

I then pulled the trigger and three rounds all went to the three of their heads and they all fell to the ground unconscious. God I love this fucking pistol.

*Third POV*

Everyone was shocked to see this person, just knocking them out with a pistol within a split second. Teams RWBY and JNPR were staring at (Y/N) and the fact that he just appeared and reappeared out of nowhere and the fact that he used a hologram that had the same properties as Blake's semblance but was more technologically advance. (Y/N) then looks at Cardin still holding Velvet's ear. Cardin then comes out of his shock lets go of her ear, as she runs towards to her team who just now showed up and were watching the whole thing and were wondering what is going on, and then Cardin stands up and glares at (Y/N). 

(Y/N): Well then it's your move asswipe.

Cardin: Grrrrr! You know what your nothing compared to me all you rely on is your semblance and that gun of yours. You probably haven't even killed a person you pansy. I bet your parents are just as much of freaks as you are you loser.

Cardin laughs as everyone else looks at (Y/N) as he keeps his eyes on Cardin. Team RWBY look at (Y/N) with concern wondering why he didn't say anything back. (Y/N) then places his pistol back in its holster and then grabs his knife from his back sheath and everyone looks at (Y/N) with a questioning look. Even Cardin stops laughing and looks at him and then they hear a slight chuckle from (Y/N).


(Y/N): You know something... I don't care what you call me but there is something I do not tolerate.

(Y/N) then activates his stim and rushes Cardin at such a ridiculous speed and put his knife up against Cardin's neck. Everyone looks on in shock and awe.

(Y/N): It's the fact that you made fun of my DEAD family. 

He then starts applying pressure to his neck and a little blood starts coming out as everyone looks on in horror. Team RWBY was getting worried because they know what (Y/N) was capable of.

(Y/N): Oh and I have killed many, MANY people before. So don't doubt my skill.

(Y/N) then proceeds to chop on the back of his neck knocking Cardin out and then he heads over to leave the cafeteria with everyone looking in shock except for team RWBY who look at (Y/N) leaving with worried expressions.

Ruby: He wasn't lying when he told us about his world. Was he?

Weiss: Doesn't seem like it.

Jaune: Wait! What do you mean "his world"?

Team RWBY look at each other and then they look back to JNPR and then they start explaining what (Y/N) told them.

Jaune: Dang. He must've had it rough.

Yang: Yea... he does.


*(Y/N) POV*

I had lost my appetite and decided to just head towards the cliff where my initiation will begin.

Me: ........ Asshole.


Me: ... *Inhales and exhales* Yea. I'm Apollo... just some bad memories is all. How much time 'till the initiation?


Me: Alright lets get over there.

I then start running towards the cliff so I'm not late. When I got there I saw professors Ozpin and Goodwitch.

Ozpin: Ah! Hello Mr. (L/N), I heard what you did to team CRDL. May I ask why you decided to knock them out cold.

Me: Bullies and discrimination is something I will NOT stand for. 

Ozpin: I understand. But please do that in the arena next time.

Me: Yea whatever so what's my objective?

Glynda: Your objective is to collect the relic from the temple in the center of the forest. We will also be live streaming your initiation throughout the whole school.

Me: Okay! That sounds simple. Oh also let me see your tablet real quick. I'm gonna link my helmet feed so that everyone can see what I see as well.

I toss them back the tablet and what they saw gave them a shock. Which I found amusing.

Glynda: M-M-Mr. (L/N)! I-Is th-this what you see through that helmet of yours!? This is just too much information too process!

Me: It's not for me. But I don't really need to see that so I can turn it off for the time being.

And then we hear Apollo approach from behind me and I have a question that is very important.

Me: Can I be able to use Apollo for this mission?

Ozpin: He will be available once you retrieve the relic. Apollo has told me what we have to do in order to deliver him to you.

Me: Awesome! So how will this start?

Ozpin: Just stand on this launch pad and we will launch you off.

Me: Hmm.... I actually got a even funner idea!

*Third POV*

Teams RWBY and JNPR were in the cafeteria, watching (Y/N)'s live stream through his helmet as they start asking questions.

Weiss: I wonder how he is able to process all that information?

Jaune: Who knows? Maybe he's a robot.

Yang: Believe us when we say this... he isn't. He's actually our age.

Pyrrah: And you know this how?

Team RWBY's faces blush red as they try to look as if they're not embarrassed.

Blake: We've.... actually seen his face and body when we snuck into his room when he caught us.

Ren: His body?

Weiss: Hey what's he doing?

They looked at their scrolls.

(Y/N): Apollo.... time for a 'fastball'!


(Y/N) climbs into his hand and then Apollo makes adjustments and then out of no where. He pitches (Y/N) through the air at high speeds.


Everyone watching: .............................................................................. IS HE INSANE?!

Alright guys that's it for this chapter, sorry it's late, next one will be the actual initiation with a big plot twist. I just want you all to know that I'm going to be taking a break because my grandmother is in the hospital, not due to covid, but because she's literally on her death bed and she's almost ready to go. I got told this today and it hurts me very much. So I'm gonna take a break so I can come back with a much more positive attitude and feel better. Just know that you should always have time for your family. Family is the number one thing that I care about in this world, and I will care for mine until the world ends. So stay safe and I'll see you guys soon. Stay rockin'!

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