The Party

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Just another normal boring summer day for the friend group, Tommy and Tubbo were planning to have a party for the group at their apartment.


George bored out of his mind looks at his phone to see a text from Dream his best friend that he had big feelings for for as long as he can remember.


Are you going to the party?

what party?

Tommy and Tubbo are having a party at their apartment tonight. Are you coming?

what time?

it starts at 9 but i'll be there around 8:45

Ok I'll be there :)

Considering George only went places with the friend group if Dream went. Dream Dream Dream secret crush Dream, George had had a crush on dream since the day they met. He knew that he was always flirting around him but George though he was always joking. And for as far as the party went he wasn't sure what he was going to wear


"What I'm I going to wear" George said to himself looking in his dresser as he pulls out a black shirt and jeans. "Basic..." he says to himself. "Whatever" he pulled out a towel to go shower.


*Couple hours later at the party*

"What's up big man!" Tommy yells as Dream walks in "sup"

Dream looks around the room for George, yup best friend George he knew he liked him but it would ruin their friendship if he told him and he knew George would never like him in that way but it seemed like he wasn't there yet. Dream sat down on the couch next to Sapnap and Karl cuddling (they are dating) "Hey Dream" Sapnap said as he looked up from having Karl lightly asleep in his arms. Karl woak up and looked around then he went back to sleep but not for long before Tommy screamed "HI GOGY" as George walked in the apartment.

"You know I hate it when people call me that right?" "I know Gogy" Tommy said with a smile "Fine child" George said with a grin walking pass Tommy knowing Tommy hated when people called him a child even though he was just one year younger then everyone else.



George walks in Tommy and Tubbos apartment seeing his bestfriends Dream and Sapnap on the couch he didn't see Karl in Sapnaps arms until he got closer. " Third wheeling I see" George said to Dream as he sat down next to him. He looked at what Dream was wearing, just seeing him in a white shirt and gray sweatpants.... he so looked hot. "So.... what are we going to do?" George said to Dream "I don't Know it's not my party." he replied shrugging with a little grin to George.


"OK GUYS" Tommy yelled. "I think everyone is here" he said while Tubbo was digging through the trash. "Ok?" Bad said "I FOUND ONE" Tubbo screamed as he pulled out a bottle from the trash can. "What are we going to do with that?" Karl said in a sleepy tone from just waking up. "We are going to play spin the bottle." Tommy said with a smirk.

"Come on guys sit down" Tubbo said sitting down. "Who's going first?" George said. "You can" Sapnap said with Karl giggling sitting in his lap. "Ok?" George spun the bottle it then went round and round then it landed on Dream. Georges face went red as Dream only blushed a little. Everyone knew they liked each other but they never said a word to everyone they just knew by the flirty ness.

"Uhhhhh..." Tubbo said breaking the silence. Dream then got up as everyone looked at him, he grabbed Georges wrist taking him to the closet. They sat down and got comfortable as Sapnap yelled that the timer started.

"Soooo..." Dream said to start a convo.

"Yeah.." They were always to awkward to each other but they didn't care much just that they were so in love but never told the other.

"What should we do..." Dream said scratching his head. "We could think of something to do for next weekend." George blurted out. "Ok" after a minute Dream screamed 'WE COULD GO TO THE BEACH AND HAVE A BONFIRE" George flinched as the door swung open with everyone confused as to why he was screaming. "Bonfire?" Tommy said tilting his head. "Yeah me and GEORGE" he nugged him with his arm while getting up. "thought we could go to the beach next weekend and have a bonfire"

Everyone agreed and started planning fast, Dream happy he had a good idea everyone liked.

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