🔴🟠TW🟠🔴 ABUSE AT HOME.AND DRINKINGDream picks up George and takes him to his place... They talked a little but then they all decided to watch a movie
"Have you seen young offenders?" Asked dream
"No,what is it? Said George and drista in sync
"It's a tv show and a movie,but we can watch the movie." Said dream
As dream put on the movie George didn't really notice,it looked like he cared but he didn't,all he could think about was the dream.what was wrong with him he wondered...
"Hey dream could you show me where the toilets are? Asked George
"Yea just follow me."
They both stood up and went to the toilet as dream showed him the bathroom George accidentally touched dreams abs and noticed he got a little bit hard.
"Uh-I-" escaped from George's moth
"You ok" said dream
"Yea sorry I don't know what quite happened"
They both laughed as George went in the bath room
Dream quickly ran downstairs so he didn't miss any of the movie.
A minute later George followed,
Drista and dream had a quick glimpse of George before he sat down. Soon enough it was 11am
"Oh I need to go"said George
"Ok"said dream
They both stood up and headed to the car
George decided to go on minecraft and stream for along time once he gets home. One hour into the stream with badboyhalo and sapnap, dream joined.
"Hey guys" said dream
George hearing his voice made hun blush. And think about that dream again.
"Hey" bad said
"Hey dream" said sapnap
"Oh hey" said George
"What are we doing?" Said dream
"We are helping bad build up his house" said sapnap
"Ok" said dream
"We are near the L'manburg" said George
Dream quickly runs over their and helps out.George looks at the time and see that it's 5pm
"Ok guys I'm gonna end the stream here because I need to get ready for school tomorrow " he said before turning the stream off
"Bye guys he said before ending the call with bad,sapnap, and dream"Oki" he said while he looks around the room for his bag and homework that he had finished at dreams
Once he found it he put them under his bed and went to go eat.
After a bit he went back in his room to watch a movie after it reached 7pm he decided to text dream.
George👓🔍: hey
George👓🔍:are you coming on minecraft?
Dream💕💞:yea I'll come on it now,ring me on discord.
As the both log on to discord and minecraft they start to discuss abit about school,then Tommy joined the call.
"Hey guys!"tommy loudly said.
"Hey Tommy"said George
"Hello"said dream
"What are we doing"Said Tommy
"Building another bridge"said George
"Ok do you need me to get anything" asked Tommy
"Yea,around three stacks of planks"said George
"Ok" Tommy little minecraft player hops around until he finds the woods he get his axe out and starts hopping between each tree.they play for about three hours,it's was now around 10:30pm .
"Crap!"dream said
"What?"tommy and George said
"Guys look at the time"said dream
"Oh fuck!" Said George "right guys I'm going off and going to sleep,I'm not being late for school tomorrow"said George.
"Same"tommy said
"Yea me to night guys"dream replied
The three boys logged off and went to sleep.
It became 7:35 and dream jumps up to the sound of his alarm.he then goes on to text George since he broke his alarm.
Dream💕💞:hey georgeeeee
George👓🔍:I'm upp
The two boys quickly got dressed,had breakfast then put on their shoes and headed out the door.they both meeted up half way there.
"Ayyy"dream said
"Your in a good mood"giggled George
Dream gives him a slight nudge.they both giggled and sat down at their friendship table that they always sit on.
"Hey guys" Wilbur says walking up behind dream and George.
"Hello" said the two boys
Tommy and tubbo followed after.
"Heyyyy" tubbo and tommy said in sync
"Morning" Wilbur shouted
They were still waiting for a few people like minx ,quackity, and ranboo.
They all talked for abit to turn around and see minx and ranboo walking up behind them.
"Hey"minx shouted as she sat down next to tubbo,and ranboo followed after.
"Just quackity?" Asked ranboo
"Yep still waiting on him"said dream
Quackity was not Normally the first here so it came to a surprise when he wasn't.
The group started to stand up to go to class,but just as they walk off, quackity runs in,his nose was bleeding and he looked beaten up.
"OMG! WHAT HAPPEND"screamed minx
The rest of them turned around and soon quickly ran to him.
"OMG"dream said in a panic.
"Take him to the nurses office" said Wilbur
Ranboo and tubbo take him to the office
"Hey...omg what HAPPEND" the nurse says as ranboo and tubbo sit him down.
"I-i-uh" quackity stutterd
"Boys will you please go to class he will be ok." The nurse say to ranboo and tubbo.
Ranbo and tubbo quickly went out of the room.
"Right"said the nurse cleaning up his bloody nose "what happened"
"I-I-its m-my d-d-d dad" he stuttered still in shock.
"Did he hit you"the nurse said in a quiet and slow tone
"Y-yes he dose often...b-but the is the first time he's made me bleed"said quackity as tears slowly start falling from his face.
"Ok" the nurse said as she calls someone on the phone.
"Hello...yes this is the nurse from st.seno school, yea I would like to report home abuse...ok bye"the nurse put the phone down and turned to quackity and said"it's ok everything will be taken care of"*it's switches back to George and dream in class*
"I hope he's ok"said George
"Yea me to"dream replied
Dream looks down at his time table to realise its 3rd period.
"Break is next" dream said
"Yep"said George looking dream into his eyes
His brown eyes,they glistened on the light above his head,he was perfect. George didn't know he was gay yet but this is the first time he's felt this way about any of his friends.
The bell rang snapping George out of his daydream.
"Ok"dream said
They started walking back into the hall to notice quackity was there.
"Oh" said dream and George
"Hey quackity"said George
"Hey" replied quackity
"Are you ok" asked dream
"Yea it's been dealt with,just stuff at home"
Wilbur and minx sit down next to them,shortly followed by ranboo Tommy and tubbo. They all talked until they all went back to class. A few a hours later the all went home. George sat on his bed when his phone was minx texting him.

Will it last?...
FanfictionThe forever lasting love between two men but will it last? Read my story to find out...