The Stranger

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Janet's POV

By the time I had finished crying my eyes were bloodshot red. My face had turned all blotchy and the foundation I had worn was all gone. I panicked a little inside as I searched inside my pocket for my backup foundation. I cursed myself for forgetting it this morning.

I pulled the hood of my sweater up to hide my blotchy face. I raced out of the school even though there were still thirty minutes left of the last period. I silently made my way back home, my phone would ring and I would check to see several messages from both Erin and Amy.

I still hadn't been able to talk things out with Amy. But I was 100 percent sure Erin had let her know what had been going on between us. As I thought about it a small smile appeared on my face. Juicy fat tears ran down my cheeks as I quickly wiped them away.

I had been the happiest I could have ever been. It hurt to know that we couldn't move forward and see where things could lead. I had been so ready and yet I missed the chance because good things never happened to me.

As I grew nearer to my house I squinted my eyes at the strange grey car. It sat near the front of the house and I could faintly see from the front window the light was on. Ms. Freckles only turned that light on whenever we had a guest.

I blew a puff of air out before walking inside the house. I heard deep laughter from what I presumed our guest. I shut the door making myself known. "Janet dear is that you? Come in the living room, someone would like to meet you" Ms. Freckles said.

Her voice seemed a bit too cheery for my liking. And although she was generally a happy-go-lucky person, there was something in her tone that sounded a bit too excited. I removed my shoes and placed them by the door before slowly walking into the living room.

I saw Ms. Freckles first, she wore a yellow dress, her gray locks curled into tight curls. She held a teacup in her hands as she beamed lightly at me. " Come in dear" she gently patted the space next to her. My eyes examined the back of the strange man's head as I made my way to sit down.

I took a seat across from the stranger. When our eyes locked, I gasped lightly. He looked rather familiar, but I couldn't exactly pinpoint where I had seen him before. His dark brown hair had bits of grey as it was neatly combed at the top of his head. His eyes were a bright hazel as he smiled big at me.

I could tell he was holding back tears. Confused I looked to Ms. Freckles who wore that cheesy beaming smile. "Janet dear, this here is Mr. Velour...he came just to see you" she spoke softly as if I was a child. I frowned deeply not understanding why someone I had never met before came to visit me.

"Uh it's nice to meet you," I said politely. A huge smile adorned his face as his dimples popped out. He smiled so big that wrinkles appeared like folds around his eyes and forehead.

"I am pleased to meet you as well Janet. I've...been looking forward to this very day". He cleared his throat as he smiled at me gently. He seemed nice and his name did ring a bell. I continued to examine his tall frame, and that's when I noticed the rather medium size birthmark under his left eye.

I felt my body go into shock. Images of the letters I had received from him were playing in my head. How could he have possibly figured out where I lived? The system was strict on giving out specific information regarding a child. I folded my hands tightly over my lap and carefully examined him again.

He had to be on to me because his smile grew wider. That's when I noticed the shiny expensive watch on his wrist. It all made sense now especially with his expensive car that sat in our driveway.

"We don't want whatever you are selling," I said dismissively. I got up quickly and ran upstairs to my room ignoring Ms. Freckles' calls. I slammed my door so loud and nearly pummeled into it as I rested my back against the door, my chest heaving up and down.

I knew Ms. Freckles was probably trying to fix the mess I made. She was always there to pick up the broken pieces that I dropped. But I hadn't asked for anything of this to happen. I never indicated that I was ready to meet my "long-lost family".

The fact that he had the nerve to waltz into my life as if he had been there all along. Where was he when I was passing through foster homes like a frisbee? Where was he when I had to face the torture and bullying from kids because I looked different?

I clenched my hands so hard they started to turn whiter than before. My body began to heat up as I tried reeling back the sudden rage I felt about the situation. This day was not just horrible.

It was the most traumatic day of my life.

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