Hotel Lobby

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    It was April and my family and I were headed to Florida for vacation. We were currently in South Carolina for a few days, as we always drove from our home in Northern Michigan to where ever it was where we were going.

   My dad always liked to book bran new posh motels frequented by business men and single folks, mostly because he was scared of germs, but I always loved going to them. This was always how we vacation and I loved it, I would have it no other way. 

   One morning we all went down to the breakfast area like we would, there weren't many folks there at all. We all got our food and stat down, I ran out of juice and went to go get some more when I did I noticed a guy having trouble with the waffle maker (we've all been there). I knew my mom always hated it when I would help people, but luckily he was out of her line of view. 

"Here, let me help. I've always had trouble with these things myself." 

"Thank you so much, it was pretty tricky not at all like mine at home." The man said, I thought I might know him perhaps, his voice sounded familiar. 

"I understand, oh where are my manners, my name is (y/n)." I said as I shook his left hand, that's when I knew who he was. I got a lump in my throat.

"Hello (y/n) my names is Johnny." He said in a kind voice and gave a firm handshake. 

"Its an honor to meet you it really is." I said as I tried to stifle my excitement. "I've always wanted to meet you." He gave a sweet smile that made be blush. 

"Well, if you would like, do you suppose we could chat for a bit?" 

"Oh my gosh, yes I would.....only......I would have to wait for my mom and dad to go back put it very mom...well isn't your biggest fan." 

"I understand, I'll wait (y/n)." 

"Really? You will? Alright then, thank you." I said and started to walk back to our table when my grandma and little brother came towards me. 

"(y/n) was that who I think it is?!" She whispered screamed. 

"Yes, it was! And he wants to chat with me." 

"Wow, well lets try and get them back up to the room then, ok sissy?" My little brother R.J. said, he like my grandma knew that I loved Johnny very much. My parents, mainly my mother, hated Johnny with a passion. And I knew that she would have no problem walking right up to him and saying just what she thought of him and how he was a 'bad person.' I also knew that he did not need this from some random woman, not now and not in a public place. Not only would Johnny get hurt by her, but I knew that I would be to as well, this was not new to me as I had been horridly abused by my mother and father over Johnny before. So the three of us devised a plan to get them gone....................

"Hey mom, dad, wanna go on walk on the beach? Its so nice out." R.J. chimed in. 

"I guess so." My mom said dryly as she was already in a bad mood (sometimes she is just angry for no reason and takes it out on me). My dad joined them and the three of them left the building. Leaving only my grandma, me and Johnny there. I was happy and scared out of my mind at the same time, I just wanted him to be safe and I knew that if my mother caught us there would be BIG trouble and my grandma knew it to. I watched my family as they left my line of sight. I motioned for Johnny to come over to where I was, I made sure to sit some where a bit more secluded. 

"Hey Johnny, this is my grandma Sandra, she and little brother helped me to be able to talk with you." 

"Its nice to meet you Sandra, that was a very kind thing you and her little brother did for (y/n)."

"Oh well....anything my granddaughter, I love her very much." My grandma said as she blushed slightly. 

   My grandma, me and Johnny started talking. We talking about where we were headed, we were going to Florida and so was he apparently the same place to. I told him about where we lived, it always seemed to be so cold. He talked about his favorite places to go and hobbies he had and I tole him about mine. We talked like we had know each other for years, he was quite humble and a joy to be around, he spoke softly that made me feel all warm inside. The whole time we talked I noticed the big scar on his middle finger and a few bruises and other marks on his handsome face, it almost brought me to tears, but we never went there, I just wanted to make him feel good and positive things. We eventually go to the subject of art, he told me that he enjoyed to paint in his spare time, he brought up a picture of a painting that a fan had sent him, I recognized it right away, my painting. 

"Oh my gosh, that's my painting!" I said with enthusiasm. 

"It is? You know I thought you looked familiar, but I didn't want to say unless it wasn't you, is this your picture?" He asked as he brought up the photo I had sent him of myself along with the painting. 

"Yes that's me. Do you like the painting?" 

"Like it? I love it you did a great job, lots of detail, it must have taken you along time." He said with a sweet smile. 

"Yeah, it did, lots of color mixing as well, it was tricky but fun to make to." I had such a big smile on my face the whole time, I wasn't able to be myself often if ever, so I felt compactly at ease. 

We talked for about 2 hours straight, it was the best 2 hours of my life. We exchanged numbers to we could keep in touch (YES!) I put his number is my grandmas phone, so my parents couldn't find it, my mother snooped of my phone all the time. We were right in the middle of talking when I heard my mother's voice faintly and the door open back up. My blood ran cold. I put my finger to my lips franticly, Johnny understood as I had told him about my what my mother would do to us if she saw us talking. There was no way for me and my grandma to move that it wouldn't look like we were talking to someone, lucky for us there was a sweet shop near by my grandma and I nodded to each other and she quickly went to my parents to hold them up. 

"Umm Johnny....because I love you so much please fallow me." I said quietly as we both got up, held hands and walked carefully to the shop. "Just stay here until my family leaves.....I wish they weren't like this.....I hope I can see you again soon, bye." I whispered. 

"I understand, good by (y/n).......I love you." I stopped dead in my tracks and turned around. 

"You what?" I asked in disbelief. 

"I love you." He replied as he waived good bye. 

"I love you to." I waived back and ran to meet up with my parents. We packed up and went back to the lobby to check out, I saw Johnny there and we waived another good bye to each other...........

"So did you get to talk to Jack?" My little brother whispered to in the parking lot, Jack is what he calls Johnny. 

"Yes, I did."

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