" Better late than never"

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Prem's POV

I sighed heavily whilst lying on my bed

It was Valentine's day and Boun wasn't even in the country

Apparently his grandmother wanted him to represent her at an art showcase all the way in the UK

I almost forgot I was dating a prince and he had a lot of responsibilities

I felt so lazy trying to get up and it was already 9am

My phone rang, I lazily reached out for it and answered

" Hello ?"

" Babe, are you alright you don't sound good ?"

" Boun?! "

"You didn't check your caller's id ?"

He chuckled

" No I'm way too upset that your not here "

" I'll be there soon I just need to finish up here

I called to wish you a happy Valentine's day

I just wish it was physical though"

" Happy Valentine's day to you too "

We switched to video call and we were at it for about an hour and a half then he went to prepare for the work he was assigned to

I got up and took a bath then had breakfast and just spent the day watching movies

I decided to bake a cake and not to think about how lonely I was at the moment without Boun here with me

I made a small sponge cake and made sure to decorate it and later placed it in the fridge

I made a small sponge cake and made sure to decorate it and later placed it in the fridge

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I cleaned up the kitchen and went to have a bath

I put on my hoodie and grabbed my shades then went out for a bit of fresh air

The whole place was filled with couples and it only made me miss Boun even more

I left the park and got to the convenience store

I grabbed 8 cans of beer and microwave popcorn cause I planned to binge watch more movies

I got home and got everything ready, my popcorn, beer can and my blanket

30 minutes into the movie the doorbell rang

"who could that be? I'm not expecting anyone tonight"

I looked at the clock


I sighed and went to open the door only to be met with a gift bag that was big enough to hide a vase

I sighed and went to open the door only to be met with a gift bag that was big enough to hide a vase

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