I ran up the hill with my friends and got ready to role down the hill. I slapped my small paws to the ground, getting in position to leap into the air before rolling. We all jumped up and rolled down the hill into a big pile of leaves.
"Evelyn!" I picked myself up to see Truce yelling from a tree a couple feet away. "YOU MESSED UP MY BEAUTIFUL PILE OF LEAVES!" I then responded with: "Oops. Sorry Truce. I didn't know you made a pile of leaves for decor." His faced turned into a cherry as he stood up tall. "WHY YOU LITTLE-", Truce immediately stopped and smirked. I know that smirk. "RUN FOR IT!", I said.
Truce started running towards me and my friends. Bethany and Furn ran left while Keith and Leard ran right. I stood there with Yanelle and whispered to her. We both ran to the right where Keith and Leard ran. I then shouted: "WE WILL ALL MEET AT SPOT 7!"
I kept running with Yanelle until Truce was out of sight. Yanelle stopped in front of me so I then stopped. "Uhh...Evelyn..." I turned my head to Yanelle and saw her face full of fear. "Evelyn..this is the end of the forest!
Didn't your ma say we couldn't go past here? I think we should head back." "Actually Yanelle..I think we should....EXPLORE!", I then said to Yanelle. I knew this was wrong and that I can't go past here but this was my chance! I knew 80% of the whole forest. I just still wanted to go past and push the limits a centimeter more. I stepped one paw onto the fresh plain grass that grew right next to the forest.
"No Evelyn! Remember what your ma said! Plus we have to go meet the others at spot 7!" Yanelle said while furiously grabbing my paw and putting it back onto forest ground. "Fine....", I said in a particle mumble. Me and Yanelle left the edge of the forest and travelled deeper and deeper into the other side. After around 17 minutes, me and Yanelle finally arrived at the hideout behind the waterfall. We had a wooden table, bones, torches, and other things we needed for hideouts.
Keith was harshly chewing on his bone, Leard was going on and on about us being late, Bethany was biting her claws, and Furn was laying down like he was dead. "Look what the cat dragged in", Keith shouted. Everyone turned their heads to see me and Yanelle. "Someone was being fascinated by the plains outside the forest.
SHE STEPPED HER PAW ONTO TJE DIRTY GROUND THERE!!!", Yanelle furiously said while walking over to the wall of the cave. "YOU DID WHAT??!!", Furn shouted. "Why am not surprised.", Bethany exclaimed. "Your gonna get it.", Keith said. "Do u really want me to give a nice harsh explanation and book of why we don't go to the edges of the forest Evelyn??!! I'll take u to the rock of rules. We all have been waiting here for 56 minutes and 14 seconds just to find that once again your late and it's not even Yanelle's fault!" Leard said while stepping closer to me. "I guess curiosity got the best of me! again..." I replied to the Leard as the rest of the group except for Bethany just stared with harsh faces. "Let it go Leard. You know she's curious of everything. Like what did u expect from her. I know your a nerd and all but geese u can be smarter than this.", Bethany said while she started biting the claws of her other paw. I walked past Leard and sat at the table. I then slapped my head onto the table and waited.
The silence lasted for 10 minutes until Keith smacked his cracked lips together from chewing the last of his juicy bone. "Really Keith" Furn replied to the smacking.
"I'm gonna get some fresh air.", I said while getting up and walking to the running water of the waterfall. I jumped into the waterfall and let it slowly drag me to the edge of the pond with the grass, trees, and rocks. That's when I noticed how dark it had gotten.
Everyone came out of the hideout and parted, going their seperate ways to their homes. I closed my eyes and floated on the pond. I let it swish me left to right with small waves that hit the sides of me.
When I woke up I was laying on my soft bed. Mom and dad must have found me in the pond for the 100th time and carried me home.