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"so are you gonna give me my book back?"

luke and reggie looked up from where they were coming up with a melody for julies poem. luke looked like he was about to say something but reggie beat him to it

"you're a really good writer" he told her

amelia felt a blush rise to her cheeks "thank you, it just helps me clear my mind"

"dude, your lyrics are amazing" luke added "i mean listen to this" he flicked my notebook open and landed on a random page "feels like i'm not where i'm supposed to be, i don't fit in with all these familiar faces"

"i know how it goes luke, i wrote it" amelia chuckled

"do you share your lyrics?" reggie asked

amelia nodded "julie sings them sometimes in music class, she doesn't like singing my songs but she knows it's the only way i get to stay in music"

"we're gonna fix that" luke told her

amelia shrugged "do what you please, many people have tried but it doesn't work, i just have this irrational fear of singing for people"

reggie smiled softly at her before turning back to the song "when she says 'deep dish' is she talking about pizza?"

at that point before anyone could correct reggie's one track mind, alex poofed in and landed between luke and reggie. amelia jumped and almost fell off the piano bench

"god you guys need to stop doing that" she muttered but it was unheard by the trio

"oh hey man, where have you been!" reggie asked

"kinda everywhere. yeah, no, i met a new ghost friend" alex grinned

"is he cute?" amelia asked, everyone turned to look at her "im just getting my priorities straight"

alex hesitated with a blush "yes"

amelia squealed slightly, and the boys just stared at her "okay look, just because my relationship ended up in the gutter doesn't mean i want the same for him"

"i still want to haunt him" reggie muttered

"did you tell them?" alex asked

amelia nodded but paused and shook her head "they listened to me singing"

"wait, does that mean i'm the only one who hasn't heard you sing?" alex gasped

amelia nodded "maybe i'll sing for you another time. so this new ghost friend?"

"yeah, he answered a ton of questions"

"like whether julies gonna join the band or not?" luke asked snatching his notebook from underneath alex

"uh, well we didn't, we didn't get to that, but i think i know why we're here. okay, all ghosts have like unfinished business. so, we need to do our unfinished business and then we can cross over" alex explained

"why would we do that?" luke looked up from julies poem "i'm just saying, this is like our second chance. all we need to do if get julie to play with us and get miss amelia to sing in front of others"

"harder than you'd think" amelia shrugged

"not only can that girl sing, she can write, and not only can this girl write, she can sing!" reggie referred to julie and then pointed to amelia. "luke and i made a killer melody to some lyrics she wrote"

"oh, without your drummer, cool" alex commented

luke smirked "drumming is so 90s okay? we're just gonna.. stomp our feet now"

𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒚 𝒇𝒓𝒆𝒆 ~ 𝒓𝒆𝒈𝒈𝒊𝒆 𝒑𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ