note: Quick reminder that I'm bending the timeline/ re-writing the canon.
With screeching tires, you arrive in front of the Bureau. Spencer jumps out of the car before you turned the engine off. Jogging, you catch up to him. He violently keeps pressing the button of the elevator. Eventually, you take his hand and push it away from the button.
You feel the stress exuding out of every of Spencer's pores. You want to comfort him, but you know that he cannot calm down. He needs to be angry right now. So, you just quietly stand next to him.
When you enter the bullpen, everyone else is running around just as stressed out. You throw your stuff on your desk and look around. "Where is he?" Spencer yells when Morgan enters the room.
"Interrogation. Hotch and JJ are talking to him."
Immediately, Spencer takes off in the direction of the interrogation rooms. You want to ask Morgan how he found Doyle but looking after Spencer is more important now. You're angry at Doyle. Maybe not the way or for the same reason the rest of the team hates him, but because what he put Spencer through.
Turning the corner, you see Spencer storming into the room you assume they are talking to Doyle in. You hear yelling coming out of the room immediately. When you get to the door, you see Hotchner and JJ trying to get Spencer to leave while he is berating Doyle.
"Reid!" Hotchner yells repeatedly but Spencer doesn't react. Doyle has a smug look on his face, not really fazed by what Spencer is shouting at him or how dangerously close he is to hitting him. Before the situation can escalate even further, you step into the room, earning angry looks by Hotchner who seemingly isn't a believer of the more the merrier.
You grab Spencer's elbow and yank him away from Doyle. When he tries to get rid of your grasp, he rams his elbow into your rips. You let out a groan which makes Spencer halt in his movements abruptly. He whips around and looks at you wide-eyed. The room falls dead silent.
That is, until Doyle asks: "Are you the one they replaced poor Emily with?" You don't bat him an eye, you just look at Spencer. Slowly, you step between him and Doyle. "Let's go."
Spencer blinks and eventually walks out the room, you trailing behind him. While you close the door, you take the time to flip Doyle off.
Spencer is breathing heavily, leaning against the wall a few feet down the hallway. You go to stand in front of him and clasp his face, pressing a kiss to his cheek before making him rest his head on your shoulder. He immediately puts his arms around you, crying quietly.
"I'm sorry." He whispers into your hair.
Caressing the back of his neck, you tell him: "It's fine. Don't worry."
You hold on to Spencer, even when Morgan walks up to you. He observes you, a sad look in his eyes as well, but doesn't say anything. After he closed the door to the observation room behind him, you say to Spencer: "Come on."
Holding his hand, you walk to the vending machine to get something cold to drink. He gives you a thankful smile when you hand him a coke. After promising you that he won't flip out again, you walk back to the interrogation to observe the interview.
- - - - - - - - - -
"He admitted to killing Prentiss and every charge we have against him concerning this team. Nothing else." Hotchner summarizes the interrogation.
Everyone looks disheveled, and overwhelmed. This all happened in the span of a few hours. You're the first one to ask the question everyone else has but doesn't say out loud: "Why would he do that?"
"Probably to taunt us." Rossi states.
"Couldn't he have done that in a million other ways? And why now?" You look around. The others are staring at the round table. No one answers your questions.
Hotchner is the first one to collect himself: "I will have him transferred to maximum security holding. Tomorrow we call the DA and start to prepare for trial. We won't take on other cases until this is done."
He gets up and adds: "I know it's a lot but go home. Try to rest. We cannot make any mistakes."
Slowly, everyone starts to leave. Spencer, however, doesn't move. You lean over: "Do you want to escort Doyle's transport?"
His head shoots up and for a moment you see something in his eyes that isn't anger or sadness. He nods.
You put on your bulletproof vests and FBI jackets and throw your bags in the trunk of your car. The Marshals are already outside, guiding Doyle to the transporter. You hand Spencer the keys to your car. He looks confused but takes them. You squeeze his hand and walk over to the Marshals.
Showing them your badge, you grab Doyle and manhandle him into the transporter. The Marshals chain him to the bench and sit down on either side of him. Hearing Spencer start your car, you forcefully shut the backdoors.
You take the seat on the other side of the transporter, in front of Doyle. Somehow, he is still calm and doesn't look one bit mad about the fact that he is in FBI custody. Surely, he wanted to be captured.
Doyle keeps staring at you, eyeing you up and down. You unholster your gun and take the safety off, making the Marshals shooting you nervous looks.
"What brings you to us this lovely evening?" You ask Doyle stickily sweet.
He chuckles: "You're not going to shoot me."
"What makes you say that?" You picked up on the self-assurance in his voice. It's not just the fact that he thinks an Agent won't shoot him under these circumstances.
"Ah, very good, Agent Byrne." Doyle smiles. "I see, you quickly developed your profiling skills." You narrow your eyes. You don't like the way he said that.
"You'll see." He nods and closes his eyes, leaning his head against the wall like he's about to take a nap.
You'd very much like to shoot his kneecaps but that won't be of any help in the trial.
- - - - - - - - - -
Spencer and you wait outside until you see Doyle being processed and led away to his cell. The only audible sound on the way back to your car is the pebbles on the ground of the parking lot crunching under your shoes.
You stare out of the windshield, eyes darting over the building in front of you.
"Something is going on." You shake your head.
"You don't think it was a coincidence? "
You take out your phone and dial Garcia's number.
"Hey, Penelope. Could you do me a favor?"
"Anything for you, mommy-longlegs."
That actually makes you laugh.
"Please find out everything you can about the tip Morgan got. Voice analysis. Origin of the call. Anything."
"Of course. I'll be done by the morning."
"Thanks." You hang up.
Spencer puts his hand on your thigh and squeezes it lightly, making your leg twitch. You turn in your seat to look at him.