Part 22: Why can't we have one normal year.

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Mazikeen's POV:
The next day I rushed over to Harry, Hermione and Ron. I practically dragged them outside "I was attacked by Francis and Natalia last night." They all looked shocked "Wait what?!" Hermione looked at me like I was crazy. "They were able to disarm me but I used my daggers to distract them. That's not important right now. What's important is that one of us tells Sirius. I would but I can't risk the ministry or someone else getting ahold of my letter." Harry nodded as I talked "I would but it's not safe for me either." I nodded and Hermione smiled "I can do it." I smiled "Thank you Hermione you're the best."

We started talking until it was time for Ron and Hermione to go to class. Me and Harry had some more time until our next class so we decided to go and talk for a while. We soon got onto the topic of my relationship with Viktor. "So he's coming to visit?" Harry asked and I nodded "Yeah. I'm excited to be honest but I'm also nervous." Harry smiled and nodded "Why are you nervous?" I sighed "Because I want to tell him about Francis and Natalia but I don't think it would be safe. But at the same time if they know I'm in a relationship with him they could take him and use him as leverage." Harry nodded "I know how you feel. I worry about the same thing when it comes to Ron and Hermione. You just don't want to loose him." I nodded "Yeah. I've already had all my siblings turn against me. I can't loose him too."

After a while a letter from Viktor arrived telling me he would be here tomorrow. I was nervous because what if Francis and Natalia came back. What if they brought Voldemort or more death eaters? I was so scared knowing I wasn't even safe at school. I saw Mary and Kathrine both walk into the dorms laughing and then stopped when they saw me. I thought it was strange. They looked scared of me which was new. "Come on Mary lets go before she can hurt us. Like father like daughter after all." Kathrine said while walking somewhere else. I just got up and walked out of the dorm and when I did I saw everyone in the common room staring at me. I shook it off and just walked into the halls where I saw the walls lined with the Daily Prophet. I saw my own face staring back at me. It was a picture of me from when I had to fight Francis and Natalia. Someone had gotten a picture of me throwing the daggers at Francis and Natalia but you couldn't tell it was them. It had the title 'Mazikeen Morningstar found out to be daughter of murderer Sirius Black' I went pale and knew I couldn't hide from this. How did anyone see me outside that night.

I watched as people kept their eyes on me as I ran outside. I was terrified. Was I really seen as a bad person now? I saw that Rita Skeeter had wrote the article. Of course the one person to see me was Rita Skeeter of all people. I'm starting to think she has a obsession with me. I went and sat down by the lake and just started thinking about what I should do. Dumbledore has to know about the article. Wait if he saw that means the ministry saw. No doubt that they will try and lock me up just like my father. I guess it's true when they say like father like daughter.

I didn't know what to write so here is some drama while we wait for Viktor to arrive

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