Hey guys so thank you all for the support on this book and for all the reads and votes! <3 (I'm working on more posts)
But I just wanted to rant about something real quick.
So I noticed someone was coping my ideas (mostly from my Curtis sister book) like I mean they might as well have just copied and paisted my writings and made it look like theirs. They used exact word for word and even the same damn character names. That just makes me so pressed that someone would do something so low after I worked hard on that writing.
So anyways, I confronted her and she didn't say sorry or even own up to it, just blocked me and that was that. She blocked me because I called her out on it. I don't know why she thought that was normal or okay to do to someone, but that sucks that people are reading her book thinking their her ideas and words but whatever. There's nothing I can do about it. I'm just thankful for the people who don't do shit like that, honestly it means a lot.
•Thanks for listening guys•

The Outsiders shit
Fanfiction"Ya know that Twobit wanted to go to Texas to hunt for you!?" (REQUESTS ARE CLOSED FOR NOW)