°•°Buffing It Up°•°

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    Love comes as a spark, at least for me, and that spark needs to be captured, or else like an uncared for flame, it will eventually die out. Love has a big appetite for attention, repetition, and belief, and if you serve love with a combo of these meals, you may become love's favorite chef of all time.
    Attention is the carbohydrate for love, as it gives it energy to survive on. If you don't give attention to something you love, you can count on love dying. And if it doesn't die, it's worse (arguments, depression, excessive need for space, so on).
    Repetition is the protein; it is the building block; it is when you repeatedly give attention to something you love that you will understand it deeper and deeper, and love it as much.
    The mineral of love is belief: believing in the repetitive attention you give to something you love will feed you back everything you truly need. This belief keeps love healthy; it's a very important diet, if not the most.
    You may be living in a condition where you yourself can't have an adequate amount of these nutrients, but you have all the nutrient that love needs. In fact, you are all the nutrient that love needs. Whoever's reading, love needs you—so damn hungry, that bastard. Dreams, families, relationships, all are at the mercy of love, and love is at the mercy of your will. Choose to love and die a happy person.
    Oh, and if you're wondering where water fits in this whole thing... Well, I bet it never crossed your mind—where water fits—but fuck it, I'm fair enough to help your brain catch up. Water will surf in the next part.

To be continued.....😏

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