It wasn't long before they noticed the grunts all there surprised to see the rock move on its own but were delighted to see their leader was alive and well, and that he didn't freeze to death. Giovanni adjusted his jacket and looked over at alex.
"Why don't you come with us for a little bit?"
"Uh...sure, why not?"
She walked over to him and the two got onto the helicopter as it got ready to take off back to Rocket HQ. Firebro popped out of his pokeball and snarled at Giovanni but quickly recoiled from his injuries, he didn't exactly trust the strange man's potential intentions for his trainer. Alex looked over at her partner pokemon and pet his head.
"It'll be ok, we won't be hanging around for too long."
"Charmel char"
"I know, but he seems like a nice guy, I doubt he'll try anything."
The charmeleon looked a little unsure but he calmed down, he trusted his trainer and she seemed to know what she was doing. After they arrived at the Team Rocket base they were both surrounded by an escort of grunts. They looked at the young trainer confused and some had their pokemon ready to battle.
"Calm down, She's with me."
Giovanni spoke and the grunts lowered their pokeballs. Alex felt a little uneasy and her charmeleon could sense it, Firebro kept his eye on the group as they were brought inside. As they were walking one of the scientists grabbed the fire starter and he nipped at them. Alex noticed and looked at the guy in a lab coat and pulled her pokemon closer, this was Her pokemon not His.
"I know, bud..."
After they made it to what looked like a pokemon center inside the building she returned her pokemon to his pokeball and set her team on the tray, Giovanni did the same with his ryhorn's pokeball.
"It's going to take a little while for them to heal up our pokemon, We still need to update our technology in this field"
He sighed then looked at the young trainer, or where she was standing. Alex wasn't there anymore.
"Kid? Where did you go?"
Meanwhile alex was exploring the base looking around curiously. After a little while she decided it was time to find her way back, but there was one problem. The young trainer got herself lost in the base.
"Uh oh..."
She wandered around aimlessly not knowing where she was and she eventually ended up bumping into a few grunts startling each other. Eventually Giovanni saw her and ran up.
"There you are. You can't just wander off like that, kid"
He sighed in relief. Alex just kinda looked at him, she still wasn't use to him having this side to him, he was acting like she was his kid. She thought to herself that maybe this was her dad, but she wasn't quite sure.
The two went back to the pseudo pokemon center and waited for their pokemon to be healed. While they were waiting the memory of the girl basically freezing up when they first met crossed his mind.
"Hey by the way, what was going through your head when you froze up like that?"
"Froze up when?"
She looked a little confused by the question. Did she freeze up when she had that vision?
"Before we got stuck in that cave, you looked like you saw a gengar or something."
"Oh, I saw something, it happens randomly."
"What does?"
He was curious, she wasn't like other trainers he fought before. Something about her was different, she was able to move a large bolder with ease. Her pokemon was able to learn and use moves its species normally couldn't.
"Well, whenever I meet someone new I have a vision about their future. It's usually a key moment of some kind, whether it be good or bad."
Giovanni nodded and seemed to understand what she was saying. So she was a Psychic, too? Maybe she could be a powerful ally to team rocket, that is if he can recrute her. Though by the looks of things right now she needed training as a pokemon trainer considering the battle he had with her, this kid would take some work if she were to stand a chance out there. Before he could say anything else the iconic pokemon center tone rang signifying that their pokemon were healed.
The two got up and went over to the counter and alex got back her firebro while giovanni got back his ryhorn respectively. The charmeleon popped out and happily hugged his trainer fully healed. He looked at the man with a glare still in his eye and the young trainer gently pet her partner's head.
"Easy there, bud"
Giovanni chuckled, 'What a pouty pokemon' he thought to himself, It was kinda cute in a way.
"So, where were you headed? Before, well, you know"
"I was on my way to Cerulean City to challenge the gym there"
"So you're on the Gym challenge?"
Alex nodded confidently and so did her partner pokemon.
"How else am I gonna become the champion and strongest trainer in the world?"
The man motioned for her to follow him and she did so with firebro close behind. He lead them down a couple hallways and stairs to a large room and flipped the lights on. It looked like the interior of a Gym, but not one you would do Pokemon battles in. There were Punching bags, workout equipment, a boxing ring, and a battle-feild similar to one you'd find in , well, a Gym. Alex and Firebro looked around in awe at all the stuff before the young trainer looked at the team rocket leader.
"What are we gonna do in here?"
"Well kid, if you're going to be able to defeat All eight gyms along with the Elite Four and Current Champion, as well as 'take me out', You're going to need to train."
"Train like level Up or...?"
"Well you can't rely on Sheer Force and Luck alone to win a battle, you Have to learn how to be able to Strategize, Especially on the fly."
She nodded and looked at the other things in the gym-like room
"And the other stuff?"
Giovanni walked off to a psuedo locker room to get changed into his workout clothes, A white Tanktop, black shorts, and tape wrapped around his hands and wrists with the fingers exposed, and black sneakers with white socks. The young trainer was surprised to say the least by how well built he was for his age, wasn't he like 40 or 50?
"You've got super-strength, don't you?"
"I'm gonna teach you how to control it, use it on comand in a Fight-fight and such"
"Wait a minute, Fight-fight? like Actually fighting instead of a Pokemon battle?"
She was confused and shocked, why exactly did she Need to know how to fight without pokemon? The Tank of a man nodded.
"Think of it as Self-defense for just in case, It's also so you don't hurt anyone by accident"
Alex looked at Firebro and he seemed eager to kick some ass, she took a deep breath and walked over to him ready to start.

Pokemon Crossover (Hybrid Trainer's Adventures)
FanfictionThis is the tale of a Young Pokemon Trainer and her Adventures in the Pokemon World, Together with her Friends and Pokemon They must Save the World from Evil. She herself is on 3 quests, Become World Champion, Catch Each Legendary and Mythical Pokem...