Ch.17 It's nice

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We finally leave the pool after an hour. As we're walking down the hall we hear shouts and boisterous laughter. We pass by a room accompanied by more shouts from within, and I peek though the glass in the door. I have to go onto my tip-toes because the window to the other room is a couple inches above my line of vision. From what I could see there was older looking men sitting and standing around a poker table. There were very prominent glasses of what was obviously beer. A chubbier man was chugging until he belched unnecessarily loud and began to laugh. The men around him chuckled and just as I was about to just shake my head and move on, I saw guns propped on walls and ammo littering another table. I heard a soft growl by my ear and a harsh but careful tug on my arm letting me know its time to go. We head back to my room, I avoided looking at the room number and trying to think of what we just saw instead. Ash closes the door and turns to me with anger filled eyes. As he realizes its me he closes his eyes and lets a breath. When he opens them again he's not as upset but clearly aggravated. "Let's go." I nod and begin to change into regular clothing. When I turn back to Ash he has all of my things and he's staring at the wall, deep in thought. I sigh gently and walk up to him, grabbing his hand and holding it firmly. He blinks and looks down at me, frowning slightly. He leans down and kisses my forehead. I close my eyes and let the butterflies in my stomach swarm throughout my body. Leaving me warm and floaty. He pulls me in for a hug and I let it happen. I love it when he gets like this. It's nice to not have to ask for his touch. I nuzzle into his chest and smile widely unintentionally. We pull away and I grab my phone and settle it in my pocket. We exit the room and head down the hall to the elevator. As we head down Ash grips my waist and pulls me in front of him. He kisses my neck and I giggle. The doors open and he pushes me forward slightly. We call a cab and as we get inside a thought runs through my mind. "Hey...what happened to Lyla? Is she upset now? Oh god, she probably hates me even more now." I shriveled to the best of my ability into the seat and lowered my head. I realized I had swam with nothing covering my arms. Or anything for that matter. I was still too skinny and my arms were still covered with scars. I probably looked like a freak. My eyes watered making my ears turn hot. I turned toward the window and tried to keep quiet. It wasn't long before Ash's arms moved around me and his breath tickled my cheek. "Yeah, she does." I almost broke, but then he spoke once more. "But she's a fool, and she is leaving first thing in the morning." Wide eyed I looked up to him. "B-but she's your friend. I don't want to be the reason-" "Was my friend." Ash corrected. "But you know what's even more special than just a friendship that seemed tiring? A relationship with someone I feel truly comfortable around. And somebody I love and would do anything for." The tears had dialed back and my throat hitched with a hiccup. "I love you." I stated as I pushed myself into his chest. I felt his chest move up and down slightly as he chuckled and I smiled. He's been laughing a lot lately. It's really nice.

Omg I am so sorry for being inconsistent with posting!!! Please don't come at me. I am getting my schedule together and it will be coming a lot more often. The next chapter is gon' be good. Hehehe. But anyway thank you for not leaving because of an unannounced hiatus. Have a good day or night and good bye lovely peeps.

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