It's a bleak rainy morning, sounds of Thunder in the distance and cars beeping at each other. Suddenly it's like the world's come to a dramatic hault and the sound of a screeching young women screaming like her life depended on it fill the streets of Hanover. Anna frightened wakes from her dream sobbing and shivering. She scans the room and plants her face into the palms of her hands where she begins to cry uncontrollably. " What the hell was that, what in the world is wrong with me, what did Jea mean by everything will be ok." Confussed by her unanswered questions she takes a quick shower to calm her thoughts and gets ready for work. When she's finally dressed in her very professional all black suit with a white button up an a tie which falls to the base of her neck for a dramatic effect, she decides today to take her car.
Traffic is rough today, everyone rushing to get to work. When she reaches the parking garages an pulls up to into her designated parking area she spots Jea from a distance. " It's ok Anna, just breathe and go to work." Jea spots her an waits for her at the elevator. " Good morning Miss Anna, how are you?". Anna trying not to sound disoriented but fails miserably responds " I'm fine thank you Jea ".
Jea aware something is wrong " Miss Anna are you ok? ". Anna looks up at him with a fake smile plastered across her face, " yes Jea, why wouldn't I be ". He returns her grin, " Maybe it has something to do with an irresistible dream ". She looks up at him shocked, " Anna he's bluffing, he's just referring to yesterday" ( Anna says to herself) He's aware of her discomfort and continues smiling broadly, ( Ping ) the elevator has arrived. " After you Miss Anna". " You play a hard game Mr Jea, but two can play this game and only one will be victorious.".
Jea amused by her response stands right in front of her starring down into her glimmering eyes. " Why Mr. Jea do I have something on my face to cause you to stare, because I must say starring is very impolite". Jea smirks " you're eyes Miss Anna, they shine like the stars on a clear summer night, I must say Miss Anna you've caught my eyes without even trying ". Anna smirks up at him " Well Mr Jea sad to say you must be to easy, and I for one like a challenge. Stick to your day job, you're night job requires lots of work". ( Ping) Anna walks past him; out the elevator with a broad smile, leaving Jea in shock. " That a girl Anna" she says to herself. Anna enters her office and begins handling the final touches to her presentation for her 2pm meeting. The day flies by and Annas presentation was a success, all contracts and paper work is finalized for her big project she's working on to expand. When she returns to her office a silver box is on her desk. Anna picks up her phone and dials Keri," Keri come into my office please". ( Keri enters moments later ) " What is this Keri ? ". Keri surprised, " No idea Mame ". Anna walks around her desk and picks up the box. The box is heavier than anticipated, Anna studies the box, the box has fine details with small gold roses at the edge of the box. " It's beautiful ", Anna notices a key on the box and turns it ( Click ), when she lifts the lid all sense of humor gone. " oh my god, that's impossible ". ( she whispers under her breathe ) Inside the box is the exact replica of the crystal rose from her dream. She notices a small card," Anna, your eyes twinkle like the shimmering night sky, your smile melts my soul and your heart is made of gold. This crystal rose represents your strength in what you do, but also may it represent the feelings I have for you. Always remember, dreams mask ones true feelings for another and contradicts them in a way to cause them fear. -J ". Anna sinks into her chair putting the card and box down on her desk and turns to look upon the horizon. " Keri, see to it Mr Jea sees himself to my office immediately". Keri clears her throat," Miss Anna, Jea has gone for the day ".
Anna thinks for a quick moment and replies in a suspicious tone, " so that's your game Mr Jea, deliver the jewel and make the girl follow, very smart ".
" Keri call Mr Jea and connect him to me please " Anna says while still staring into the horizon, " yes Mame" Keri acknowledges. Minutes later Annas phone buzzes, " Anna Jea on line 4 ", " Thanks Keri".
Anna picks up the phone " good evening Mr Jea", " good evening Miss Anna" he replies amused. " Did you get my package "
Anna also amused replies " I did, I believe a meeting is in order regarding these gifts".
" I'd love to Miss Anna but I don't believe that would be appropriate for a working enviorment".
Anna giggles at his choice of words " I must agree, what do you say to dinner at my place, more of a secluded area, I'll have my chef prepare us something ".
" Why Miss Anna I do believe I've rubbed off on you, would 10:00 this evening work for you".
" Yes Mr Jea, that works well with my schedule, I'll have Keri fax you over the directions, Good Day Mr Jea", Anna hangs up. " Game On Mr Jea ".
Continue reading to find out how this meeting goes, will Anna fall for his charm once again, or will she be kicking him to the curb sooner then anticipated.
Thank you to all my readers and likes.

The Path Of Remembrance
Romance"Entered in the Unicorn Awards" This story takes place in a town called Hanover, Massachusetts's. Its a beautiful day in Hanover, a young women named Anna is shortly disoriented after the apperance of a new face in her facility. She has a small c...