Hi I'm ssssssnakes I'm 6 ssssweeps old,and I'm a lime blood most think lime bloods where long goon but there
wrong. I'm sssshy intel I get to know you. Sssssorry about the why I ssssay my sss it's a ssssnakes thingFlashback
All I saw was a flash of light and my right horn fall off and then I herd"Your stupid!" Vriska shouted "um......" "Nothing to say." "Shut up vriska!" A tall troll with clown make up on. Then he turned and said "Are you ok." Y" I was cut of by vriska saying "Gamzee why do you care about a stupid lime blood?" Vriska said an stared at me ."Because she's not stupid and she and I know each other when we where riggales!"Gamzee shouted. I just stared and Thot "wha.....t."