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Keyz ran outside seeing the girls gone but their blood still was there.
Keyz didn't know who's was which and felt himself tear up.
The people was walking away from the scene as the police and other paramedics lingered.
"Yo, Yo!" Keyz yelled rushing towards the police and paramedic. "My girl—She got hit. Where tf they take them?"
Bubba ran behind him and froze.
His eyes widened at the blood puddles... "Oh shit."
He seen Keyz running to his car and went after him.
Keyz hopped in and started it up, Bubba did the same but Keyz didn't pay him no mind.
His mind was on making sure his girl and her friend was good.
Keyz sped down the streets thinking of how the shit happened.
"A black SUV. Sound like a set up..." He whispered and Bubba heard him.
He never seen Keyz so distressed since his folks died.
Bubba sighed, "It was, fasho."
Keyz glanced at him.
"That bitch Dre." Keyz laughed dryly.
Bubba smirked at him knowing the old Loc was coming back.
Dior was laid unconscious on a hospital bed, a bandage wrapped around her head and a few bandages on her face from the cuts they had to stitch up.
Wires and machines was hooked up to her and Cia.
Keyz walked into the room the two shared and got a glance at Dior and almost turned around.
He let out a shaky breath and continued to walk near her.
Bubba followed closing the door behind him, he looked over at Cia body and shook his head.
He wanted to make that girl his the minute he saw her.
Keyz dragged the chair over to her bedside and sat down inside of it.
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He knew he was too gangsta to cry but the way Dior looked in that bed... Broke his heart.
Keyz let the tears fall, his knee started to shake and he grabbed her hand.
Bubba watched his bro of all these years get torn up over a female.
He shook his head at it still not believe that Keyz fell in love.
Bubba was still stuck in his ways and needed the same as Keyz.
A women to love.
He wanted to cry over someone.
But the minute Bubba saw Cia, he knew she wasn't like these other females he was use to being around.
He took a hold of her hand and rubbed it softly.
Nobody was here for her just yet and he felt like for Keyz and his girl, that he should be.
A lady and a young teen came rushing into the hospital frantically looking around till they seen the receptionist desk.
"Excuse me, excuse me!"
The receptionist looked up at the resembling two, the young girl had a tear stained face and the older women looked as though she was holding her cries in.
"My daughter, she got hit by a car!" She couldn't help but to let out a shaky sob.
"Dior Kils."
Keyz was slouched in the chair mind racing with murderous thoughts, racing with thoughts of the what if's.
He shook his head lingering his eyes on Dior, missing her eyes, her soft voice that eased his mind, and her hands feeling him because she loved to touch on him.
Dior had to touch on him.
Keyz eyes clenched when he thought of her smile that he had seen earlier but was too upset at the fact she was talking to her ex.
"So you just going to be mad at me..." Dior asked searching Keyz eyes for any sign of forgiveness.
"I apologized, Keyz."
Keyz just stared at her. "We finna go get shoes. Ima see you when I get in the crib."
She stood there feeling Keyz body snatch away from her hands as he walked off not looking back.
Keyz shook his head at the childishness.
He couldn't believe he did that not knowing what could happen.
Now look.
Keyz sat there with tears falling down his face.
Bubba phone rung and he got up to leave the room to answer it.
As he opened the door, the two were standing in front of it.
"Oh, my fault. Excuse me," He said pressing accept scooting pass Diors family.
Dior mother and sister cautiously walked in seeing her and all the machines around her.
Her sister gasped at the sight feeling tears brim her lids once again and Keyz head turned at the noise.
Dior mother and him made eye contact and he instantly knew who she was from the resemblance of his girlfriend.
He slowly stood up seeing them stare up at him.
"Hello." Dior mother, Jaqueline spoke with a slight sad smile.
She peered over at Dior and let a tear fall missing the sound of her daughters voice.
She missed Dior overall.
Keyz didn't know much about Dior family since she barely talked about them.
He thought about it and she actually never talked about them but he did know she had a mother and a sister who was five years younger than she was.
Dior sister, Diamond stared at Keyz and noticed how handsome he was.
"Who are you?" The sixteen year old girl asked.
Keyz cleared his throat. "Keyz, Dior boyfriend."
Diamond nodded and watched her mother pass her going towards Dior, ignoring the communication between the two.
Keyz moved out of her way, Jacqueline started sobbing taking a hold of Diors hand.
Diamond closed her eyes letting the tears fall.
He decided to let them have their time and walked over to Cia with a shake of his head.
Keyz left the room.
"So you gon tell her?" Bubba asked looking over at Keyz who was slouched down in the waiting room area chair.
Keyz sighed, he had no choice but too.
Him keeping the secret of Dre being after him and him being dangerous had became the biggest burden.
Keyz thought Dior would be safe.
The less people that knew, the more safe she would be.
Not only was it Dior but her friend.
Now, she could lose her.
"She gon be mad as fuck." Keyz said sniffling putting his elbows on his knees.
"Not only was it her but Cia too?" He shook his head, "Man she gon be mad as hell!"
Keyz let his hand come up to his face and he wiped it down.
Bubba shook his head.
"You know I'm here for you, bruh. Always will be. Whatever you need, you know I'm down and with all the shits."
Bubba just felt like that had to be said and it low key eased Keyz mind.
Keys looked at Bubba.
"The gang need to get back at it."
Bubba smirked at the words.
"Fasho." Bubba took out his phone and dialed a number.