Strings of Fate

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The moment I realised who it was—and how quickly she disappeared—I began running.
Alf was behind me, I could hear him trying to ask me something as I ran. My inner panic seemed to drown out his voice, because all I could hear was muffled noise as I weaved through the crowds. I dodged under people's arms and around their bodies. If it weren't for my refined reflexes from training I knew I would have bumped into someone by now.
My eyes were scanning the crowds trying to make out anything that could possibly resemble brilliant blonde hair.
It wasn't until that brilliant blonde appeared right in front of my face that I accidentally collided with full force, knocking us both to the ground.
I had had many visions about what our first meeting would be like. There were some where we made eye contact in some slow-motion event, with the villainess and heroine making contact for the first time. There were other times where I imagined it to be more normal in a school setting—as described in the book—where we met and I took an immediate dislike to her.
Would I dislike her?
I had no idea.
Would she like me?  There were many sleepless nights I had spent mulling it all over in my brain, but never with a finite conclusion at the end. I had met the second prince exactly like how it was meant to go in the book. Except I hadn't been dressed for the ball, I had been a guard. It was a small difference.
But never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that I would literally collide with Eleanor, with us both falling to the ground. Instinctively I reached out with one hand to the ground and with the other I cupped my hand behind her neck to prevent her head smashing into the ground. I managed to hold us just above the ground before anything major could happen.
Who knew my training would pay off in a situation like this? It also helped that Eleanor happened to be extremely light.
Did she even eat?
As I looked into her eyes, I saw her face go aflame. "T-thank you."
I could only manage an awkward smile. "You're welcome."
Seriously? That's the best you can say? I was so annoyed at my own awkwardness.
I also happened to notice a bruise peeking through the collar of her dress. Perhaps she was more clumsy than I thought.
Carefully, I stood up and helped her rise with one of my arms. As she rose, I was smug when I realised I hadn't managed to get any dirt on her.
"Oh I'm so sorry!" She was looking at my knees and the scuff marks.
I held my hands up. "It's all good. I'm glad you didn't get hurt."
When she looked up at me again, she looked embarrassed. "I did not mean to get in your way sir."
I paused. Sir?
I could see Alf behind her looking smug. In my confusion, I tried to nonchalantly place my hand on my head. I was surprised when I noticed that my hair was now short.
Did he turn me into a boy?!
Alf's look confirmed it.
My panic quickly settled when I realised that this could work in my favour. It was the perfect disguise. There was no possible way that she would know it was me.
"It's okay, I am also to blame."
With another smile, her face went red with embarrassment.
"If you'll excuse me." She whispered, pulling down one of her sleeves.
Another bruise.
A flag raised immediately in my mind. Bruises that were easily hidden like that usually meant one thing.
They were intentional.
Just as my mind was ticking, she quickly ducked away before I could say any more.
This time my body remained rooted to the spot. There was no desire to chase after her this time. I was too stunned from how we met to even think about trying to talk to her again.
The poor peach didn't stand a chance colliding with a force like you.
Peach? I had no idea what Nyx was implying.
Clearly you have eyes no? Peaches bruise easily. Those bruises were deep.
I frowned. I saw it.
Just as my mind was wondering, I felt movement in my right pocket. There was no time to react as the person merged into the crowd. When I placed my hand into my pocket, the money was no longer there.
"Hey!" Lunging forward, I pushed through the bodies as I searched for faded green jacket that had disappeared moments before.
Never did I ever imagine that a pickpocket would target a small kid like me at the festival.
Nyx, find him.
I could feel her bristle. With pleasure.
It only took seconds before she had locked onto him.
He was walking down an alleyway up ahead.
A smile. Got him.
When I made my way to the entrance, I peeked around the corner to make sure there was no one there. I was met with darkness.
With sure footsteps, I made sure to hug the wall as I slowly made my way down. Although I was sure there was no one here, I wasn't going to make myself an obvious target. The further down I went, I began to hear the sounds of a scuffle and some people cursing.
"Just kill the street rat."
Another gruff voice. "She must have stolen the money. Never seen a beggar fight so much."
There was a thud then the sound of a body falling to the stone ground. A whimper. "Please, it was my father's."
The gruff man was mocking. "And what kind of beggar parents have a gold coin, eh? They were thieves."
"No! They worked for it!" The whimper sounded feminine.
As I peeked around the corner, I managed to catch them just as one of the lumbering men grabbed her by the hair on her head, yanking her off the ground.
A cry.
I could only imagine the pain she was in right now.
As the man held her up with a fistful of her hair, a familiar faded green jacket boy approached the men. They took my bag of coins and eyed it greedily.
"Good one boy."
One of the men checked the contents inside and must have noticed all my coins. His eyes glimmered. "You have yourself a meal tonight."
Upon seeing the boy not move, the man angrily snapped at him. "What are you still doing here? Scram."
"You promised you would feed me and my younger sister."
He scratched his head. "Did I? I can't remember. Now get lost before I change my mind and you don't get any meal either."
The boy dropped to his knees. "Please! She is sick! You promised."
With complete disgust, I watched as the man with the coins raised his foot and kicked the boy flat in his chest, sending him flying backwards. "Are you deaf? You have five seconds before you join this girl. Now. Beat it."
Initially, I thought he would run, but the despair and resolution in the boy's gaze had me thinking about how sick his sister must be.
The man holding the girl by her hair sighed. "I'm getting bored." He yanked on the girl's hair causing her to whimper. "What do you think happens when I get bored, thief?"
She glared at him. "I told you. I'm not a thief!"
Her boldness despite the situation surprised me.
In blinding speed he kneed her in the stomach, sending her sprawling on the stone floor and gasping for air.
"There is one way that you can live longer." He walked over to her. She was still heaving from the blow.
"Entertain me."
When he got not response, he moved around and stepped on her fingers. She screamed out.
It was that scream that made my body move unconsciously forward.
I refused to be a bystander and watch children be beaten. People like that sickened me.
I could feel Nyx's energy flow through me as I ran with the wind's movements and punched him straight in the jaw.
It was the cleanest, most beautifully sounding uppercut I had done. There was barely any time for him to register what was happening before his body lifted off the ground and he crashed to the floor.
"What the–" The other partner whirled around and had no hope of blocking the blow I landed directly into his abdomen.
In exactly the same fashion, he was flown backwards much the same way as when he had kicked the boy. My bag of coins was sent into the air as he opened his hands to brace for impact.
"Come now." I raised an eyebrow. "I thought grown men would put up more of a fight."
From where they landed, their momentarily stunned looks turned into wrath as they pulled knives from their clothing.
By now, my anger had boiled over. Not only had they tortured, manipulated and starved these children with the intent of murder, they had now just openly displayed their intention to murder a child.
"I'm bored." Examining my nails, I looked up slowly with a sadistic smile. "Entertain me."
The man who I had given a solid uppercut, came at me without hesitation.
This time, there was no holding back. As he swiped at my head, I ducked and in one motion used the energy to send my fist straight into his jaw again. Except this time I poured all of my energy and hatred into my fist without holding back.
There was a distinct crack of bones breaking. Whether it was his or mine, I didn't know, and I didn't care.
Just as I was about to move to land a second blow, his body dropped to the floor like a rag doll.
He was unconscious.
One blow.
Check. Next. My mind was operating on adrenaline and there were two predators that I had to take out. There was no time to process my victory, I had to take out the next guy.
His eyes had turned to horror as he stared at me. "Please. I'll give you what you want."
I couldn't help it. I laughed. "How funny!"
Nyx's energy was taking its toll. I felt giddier than normal. Her energy was filled with bloodlust.
He dropped his knife and was looking at me as if he couldn't figure me out. "I'll help you! I promise."
I walked towards him and he dropped to his knees. I stopped in front of him and stared into his rotten eyes. Did he think I was stupid?
I could tell he wasn't planning g to help me at all.
"From what I recall." I put a pondering hand on my chin. "You don't seem too good a keeping your promises."
His eyes widened when he realised I wasn't going to let him go. There was a blur of movement as his hand flew out holding another knife he must have had hidden. Jumping back, I felt as it cut through the skin on my neck. A superficial wound.
If I hadn't used my reflexes to dodge, my head would have been sent rolling.
In a conditioned response to danger, I sent the heel of my boot straight into his face. The resounding crack of his skull hitting the pavement made me smile.
He was still.
They were both out cold in under a minute.
Nyx was ecstatic.
It was silent.
Dusting off my clothes, and holding a cloth to my neck to staunch the bleeding, I walked over to pick up my coin pouch. I would have gone to help the boy and girl up, but I didn't want to scare them. After seeing the two men scared, I had no doubt the children would be the same. They had seen me in a fit of rage.
I would walk away and leave them. It was the least I could do. Besides, what happened if I stayed to help them and they reported me?
I paused and turned around slowly.
The girl was kneeling on the ground with her forehead touching the floor. "Please!"
I was stunned. "Please what?"
"Please teach me how to fight!" She raised her head and stared at me directly with a determined gaze which had me dumbfounded.
Wasn't she meant to be scared of me?
I didn't know what to think. But the desperation in her eyes was real, yet there was also fear.
This girl did fear me. But she was asking me in spite of her fear.
"Your name?"
She remained kneeling. "Isa."
It felt as if my world had suddenly tipped sideways. Isa. Why did that sound so familiar?
Then it clicked.
Isa the Scarlet Flower.
In the novel there was a female knight that was said to be the 'flower of the battlefield'. Being female, she had faced many challenges to become a knight, but had quickly become famous on the battlefield after annihilating the enemy. She had so many kills that her name changed from the 'flower of the battlefield' to 'the Scarlet Flower' because she had killed so many people that their blood stained it red.
She was a leading figure in society after all her victories for the empire.
Aside from that, there wasn't much else about her in the novel (it was a romance novel after all).
Yet, here she was before me, asking me to teach her how to fight. I was blown away. Such an important figure had been a commoner.
But nevertheless, I had a choice to make about one of the most influential people in the empire of the future.
Isa the Scarlet Flower.

Hi guys! Author here! ^^ Sorry for the late update but I've been very busy the last couple of months -_- Just thought I would leave a little note here and say thank you for reading my book and all your encouraging comments, it means a lot! Anyway, I hope you enjoy the latest chapter! <3

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